Dissertation 15 Oct 2018: Hong Xu

On Monday Oct 15, Hong Xu will defend her thesis "Diet, lifestyle and chronic kidney disease". Her opponent will be Professor Gerjan Navis from the Department of Internal Medicine-Nephrology at Groningen University Medical Center. Hong's supervisors are Juan-Jesus Carrero-Roig, Alicja Wolk, Peter Stenvinkel, Abdul Rashid Qureshi and Ulf Riserus.
Hong's thesis explores associations of dietary/lifestyle risk factors with kidney dysfunction and diet-related outcomes. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a rapidly growing public health problem, affecting 5-10% of the general population, and individuals with CKD have a substantially increased risk of morbi-mortality. Early detection and treatment can delay or prevent onset many of the adverse outcomes of CKD. However, due to insufficient knowledge about factors that drive CKD incidence, renal function decline and complications of CKD, our capacity to implement effective preventive strategies is limited. Identification of modifiable risk factors that could reduce the adverse outcomes in this vulnerable population is of great importance.
Time and location: 09:00, Oct 15 2018 in the lecture hall Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna