Dissertation 11 Oct 2018: Linda Abrahamsson

On Thursday Oct 11, Linda Abrahamsson will defend her thesis "Statistical models of breast cancer tumour progression for mammography screening data". Her opponent will be Doktor Harald Weedon-Fekjær from Oslo Centre for Biostatistics
& Epidemiology at Oslo University Hospital. Linda's supervisors are Keith Humphreys, Kamila Czene, Per Hall and Mark Clements.
Linda's thesis, containing four studies, proposes a novel statistical natural history model for breast cancer, aimed to increase knowledge about how breast cancers progress over time and how likely they are to be detected by both screening and by symptoms. In applications of the model to epidemiological screening data the role of body size and image features of mammographic density were assessed for the natural history of the disease. The model also provides insights into biases arising in survival measures from mammography screening data and may be useful in helping to design future individualised screening programmes for breast cancer.
Time and location: 09:00, Oct 11 2018 in the lecture hall Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna