Dissertation 1 June 2017: Bénédicte Delcoigne

On Thursday June 1, Bénédicte Delcoigne will defend her thesis "Efficient design and analysis of extended case-control studies". Her opponent is Professor Sven Ove Samuelsen from the Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo. Bénédicte's supervisors are Marie Reilly, Kamila Czene and Agus Salim.
Bénédicte's thesis aimed to refine and extend the scope of the weighted likelihood approach in nested case-control data analysis by investigating the advantages of this method as an alternative to the traditional conditional logistic regression in several situations. The reuse of nested case-control data to address a research question regarding a new outcome, the calculation of absolute risk, the mitigation of the problem of overmatching, the maximisation of the data exploitation in case of clustered data and the analysis of subgroups of nested case-control data were addressed in this thesis. While Studies I and III were motivated by an actual epidemiological question for which data were available, simulation studies were the main approach used in Studies II and IV.
Time and location: 13:00, June 1 2017 in the lecture hall Hillarpsalen, Retzius väg 8, Karolinska Institutet, Solna