Dental Medicine subject of collaboration between KI and Shanghai 10th People's Hospital

The Department of Dental Medicine has signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding with 10th People's Hospital in Shanghai.
On March 26 to 29 Göran Dahllöf, professor and “Head of International Affairs” and Margaret Sällberg Chen, associate professor and director of doctoral education at Dept of Dental Medicine, visited Shanghai 10th People’s Hospital, which is affiliated to Tongji University. During the visit a Memorandum of Understanding between the hospital and the Department of Dental Medicine was signed.
Plans for future collaboration
Plans for future collaboration in both research and teaching was also forged. Dentists at the 10th People's Hospital are interested in collaboration with the Department of Dental Medicine and joint applications to National Science Foundation of China has already been submitted to study oral health in China and Sweden. The university hospital has a well-equipped stomatology clinic with many dental specialties and a large flow of patients.
Part of a bigger internationalization project
The collaboration with 10th People’s is a part of a bigger internationalization project at the Department of Dental Medicine, which aims at strengthening KI's brand in the international research context and to get more resources for dental research.