Published: 16-11-2023 14:31 | Updated: 16-11-2023 14:33

Current calls, week 46, 2023

Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls

Swedish and Nordic calls


Coming soon!  

PhD projects  - The SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for the Data-driven Life Science (DDLS)  

The DDLS Program will shortly announce a coming call for PhD projects within academia and industry. There will be 20 projects for academic PhD students and 7 for industrial in this first round of grants. The call will be open for researchers within the data-driven life science field, and will include two stages – selection of PhD projects (Prel: November 2023-January 2024) and selection of PhD students (Prel: February-April 2024)   

Join DDLS online event for detailed information about the calls on November 22 at 14:15 – 15:00 and learn more 

Register here


Research project - Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant (SFSG)  

The SFSG call 2023 is open to researchers who applied for the ERC Starting Grant 2023 and received an ’A’ after step 2 and the interview, but were not granted funding from the ERC (or elsewhere for this project), nor placed on the ERC reserve list. SFSG aims to support prominent early-career researchers to pursue the groundbreaking research proposed in their ERC application. Researchers who are awarded SFSG get a head start to their projects and are thus in an even better position when they apply to the ERC next year.  Awards are in the amount originally applied for from the ERC, and are granted for one year at a time, up to five years, given that the researcher continues to apply for ERC Starting Grants (when eligible). The applicant must also have applied for an ERC Starting Grant in the recently closed call ERC-2024-StG, if fulfilling the eligibility criteria. Grants are funded by Erling-Persson Foundation, Kempe Foundations, Foundation Olle Engkvist Byggmästare, Ragnar Söderberg Foundation, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond or Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning.

Closing date: December 13, 2023

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Forskningsprojekt - Afa Försäkring

AFA utlyser ett tre-årigt FoU-program om friskfaktorer med fokus på den organisatoriska nivån. FoU-programmet ska bidra till långsiktigt friska och hållbara och attraktiva arbetsplatser i kommun- och regionsektorn samt kommunala företag. Målgrupperna för forskningsprojekten ska vara arbetsplatser i kommuner och regioner samt kommunalt ägda företag. Speciellt av intresse är projekt som leder till praktiskt tillämpbara resultat och som till exempel fokuserar på att: (i) Belysa och identifiera friskfaktorer i arbetet på organisatorisk nivå. (ii) Undersöka vad som ökar organisationers förmåga att hantera resiliens över tid. (iii) Konsekvenser av att möta och hantera de ökade och föränderliga behoven i sektorn speciellt när det gäller arbetsformer och organisering av arbete. (iv) Identifiera och utforska (framgångsrika) strategier och praktiker för att främja friska verksamheter. (v) Utveckla mätmetoder och utfallsmått för friskfaktorer på en organisatorisk nivå. (vi) Undersöka multifaktoriella och komplexa samband mellan olika faktorer och resultaten för medarbetare, chef, arbetsplats, organisation och samhälle. (vii) Undersöka förutsättningar och hinder för att implementera eller förstärka kända friskfaktorer genom åtgärder på system- och/eller organisationsnivå.   

Vi ser gärna att projekten är tvärvetenskapliga. Den forskning som stöds kan vara antingen grundläggande och/eller tillämpad till sin karaktär. Tillämpad forskning kan omfatta såväl interventioner som följande/utvärderande ansatser.

Closing date: January 31, 2024.

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Forskningsprojekt och utbildningsbidrag - Dr Per Håkanssons stiftelse

Stiftelsen delar ut stipendier och anslag till vetenskaplig forskning inom ämnesområdena medicinsk kemi, fysiologi och livsmedelskemi. Projekt rekommenderas för tvååriga anslag. Anslag/stipendium ligger mellan 300.000-600.000 kronor och delas ut till yngre forskare vid svenska universitet. Personliga post-doktorala utbildningsbidrag kan ges direkt till den person det avser.

Closing date: February 29, 2024

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Stiftelsen  Clas Groschinskys Minnesfond delar för 64:e året ut forskningsanslag och verksamhetsbidrag till: 

•    Forskare inom medicin
•    Forskare inom social-  och beteendevetenskap. För denna forskargrupp kan även stipendier tilldelas.
•    Social verksamhet

All information, ansökningsblanketter och villkor för anslag/stipendier finns från och med 15 november 2023 på stiftelsens hemsida
Ansökningshandlingar skall vara stiftelsen tillhanda senast 2024-01-31.

European calls

International grants: Biocodex Microbiota Foundation, FR

The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation invites applications for its international grants. These support clinical or fundamental research projects focused on human gut microbiota related to health and disease. For the current round, projects must focus on the role of gut microbiota in the mechanisms of pain.

Closing date 30 November 2023

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Research fellowship programme: European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), CH

ECTRIMS offers a Research Training Fellowship Programme for young neuroscientists to facilitate their conduct of and training in basic, clinical or applied research related to multiple sclerosis. The goal of the programme is to maximise the exchange of information and to help grow the pool of well-trained research scientists focused on problems in MS. The fellowship involves a one- or two-year funded fellowships in a European laboratory or clinic.

Closing date: 1 December 2023

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EFSD new targets for diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases - European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), INT

The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, in partnership with Merck, Sharpe & Dome, invites applications for its call on new targets for diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases. This aims to stimulate and accelerate European research focusing on the identification and molecular understanding of new targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases. Areas of research emphasis may include:

Mechanisms of glucose-dependent insulin and glucagon secretion;

New targets for improving adipose tissue insulin resistance;

The role of lipid droplets in the etiology of metabolic fatty liver disease;

Regulation of liver fat content by gut hormones and/or the microbiome.

Closing date 1 December 2023, by noon.

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Juan Rodés PhD student fellowship - European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), INT

The European Association for the Study of the Liver invites applications for the Juan Rodés PhD student fellowship. This supports young graduates who want to achieve a PhD degree in the field of basic, translational or clinical hepatology.

Applicants must be active EASL members or have applied for membership at the time of the application. They must also be under the age of 35 and hold an MSc or MD or equivalent degree or be expected to receive this within the next six months. Applicants must not hold a permanent position. The hosting institution must be in Europe and different from the one where the fellow received their undergraduate training. There is no restriction on the applicant's nationality.

Scholarships are worth €40,000 per year, paid directly to the host institution to cover salary, for up to three years. In addition, fellows receive a mobility allowance of €500 per month and in case of family obligations, a family allowance of €500 per month.

Closing date 15 December 2023

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Call for research proposals on radiofrequencies and health - French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, FR

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, under its national research programme for environmental and occupational health, invites letters of intent for its call for research proposals on radiofrequencies and health. This supports research projects that aim to evaluate or analyse the health risks associated with radiofrequencies, in the context of the general population, workplace and ecosystem. The priority research themes are:

•mechanisms of action at the molecular and cellular level;

•physiological and health effects of radiofrequencies;

•hypersensitivity to electromagnetism;

•types of exposure.

Closing date: 19 December 2023

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Research grants - International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia (IRP), INT

These promote basic and clinical research related to spinal cord injury in Europe. Research projects may address all aspects of central nervous system and spinal cord lesions, nerve regeneration, trophic support of lesioned neurons and functional changes induced by lesions, preferentially in mammals. Clinical research projects may be situated in the fields of diagnosis, acute lesion management including surgery, neurology, urology or rehabilitation, and other areas related to paraplegia.

Closing date 20 December 2023

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US calls


Federal Funding

NIH - In Vivo High-Resolution Imaging for Inner Ear Visualization (R01 Clinical Trial optional) 

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DC-24-004

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 1st February, 2024; 3rd June, 2024; 1st October, 2024; 3rd February, 2024

Abstract: This funding opportunity aims to support the development of in vivo high-resolution structural and functional imaging technologies for the living human inner ear. Proposed projects should focus on improving the resolution of current imaging techniques or developing new imaging techniques that can visualize inner ear structures in vivo with significantly greater detail and accuracy than currently possible. Both structural and functional aspects, including visualizing dynamic elements are important to the development of new and improved techniques. Projects may also focus on developing new imaging probes or contrast agents that can enhance visualization of the inner ear structures. Research supported in response to this funding opportunity is expected to significantly advance the ability to visualize auditory and vestibular components, such as hair cells, otoliths, membranes, ions, and vasculature, in detail in awake patients in a clinical setting using non-invasive techniques. To achieve this goal, a multidisciplinary team approach that takes advantage of the expertise of each team member is highly encouraged. Studies in humans and intermediate studies in mammalian animal models may be proposed to develop or advance the needed technology. Any intermediate studies must articulate a clear path of the proposed methodology to application in awake humans or define the limitations and the usefulness in anesthetized humans.

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NIH - Phased Research to Support Substance Use Epidemiology, Prevention, and Services Studies (R61/R33 Clinical Trials Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-24-062

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 14th February, 2024; 14th August, 2024; 13th November, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of this funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support translational research across epidemiology, addiction services, and prevention to, ultimately, reduce the burden of substance use on public health. This NOFO encourages research that facilitates rapid translation from one discipline to another (e.g., epidemiology to prevention); supports community/stakeholder engagement in substance use treatment and prevention clinical trials; or reduces the research to practice gap through the rapid transition from pilot study to clinical trial, or effectiveness to implementation study. The goal is to support translational research improving our ability to  1) identify and characterize malleable individual, familial, behavioral, developmental, and socio-cultural/environmental factors (within the population or precise subgroups) with the potential for multi-directional transfer of knowledge;  2) prevent initiation of substance use or progression to misuse or use disorder; and 3) maximize the efficient delivery of high-quality, personalized addiction treatment and related services to ultimately inform and facilitate real world responses designed to reduce the burden of substance use, misuse and/or addiction on the health of the population. This NOFO invites projects for which preliminary feasibility or pilot data are not available.

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NIH - Targeting Inflammasomes in HIV and Substance Use (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-25-013

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 13th March, 2024

Abstract: The goal of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage research to explore mechanisms of inflammasome activation and their link to neurocognitive disorder (NCD) and immune function in people with HIV and substance use disorders (SUDs). This NOFO supports studies to (1) elucidate the role and the underlying mechanisms of inflammasomes in virus and drug-induced immune activation, (2) identify molecular markers associated with inflammasome pathways in NCD and 3) illuminate the cellular and tissue microenvironments that influence inflammasomes in HIV-1 infection or disease progression among individuals with SUD. Overall goal of this program is to facilitate translation of inflammasome research findings into therapeutic tools that improve clinical outcomes in people with HIV.

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Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), US - Research Grants

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - 7th December, 2023

Amount: Up to $450,000. $150,000 per year for up to 3 years. An additional 12% may be requested for indirect costs.

Eligibility: International applicants and institutions are required to submit additional information in accordance with USA Patriot Act and the U.S. Department of Treasury Anti-Terrorist Financing Guidelines. Applicants must be independent investigators. Candidates who are clinical fellows should apply to the CFF Clinical Fellowship program for the appropriate year. Candidates who are postdoctoral fellows should apply to the CFF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship program.

Multiple CFF Research Grants held by a single investigator will not be permitted for this program when the total combined funding exceeds $168,000 per year. 

Abstract: Research Grants are intended to support efforts that will improve our understanding of disease pathogenesis, such as defects in airway defense, microbial adaption to the CF lung, mucociliary clearance and airway hydration, and extrapulmonary manifestations of the disease. Proposals must be hypothesis driven and contain sufficient preliminary data to justify support from the CF Foundation. Proposals that aim to develop tools or reagents that will facilitate research may be considered through this mechanism. Information derived from such studies will hopefully lead to submission to other funding agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).



Alzheimer's Association (ALZ), US - Supporting Research in Health Disparities, Policy and Ethics in Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Research (HPE-ADRD)

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 9th January, 2024; Full application - 2nd April, 2024

Amount: Each award is limited to $240,000 total funding (direct and indirect costs) over a period of up to two years (minimum of 18 months). Indirect costs are not to exceed 10 percent (10%) of total direct costs.

Eligibility: Researchers with faculty appointments (e.g. Assistant Professor (entry level) and Associate Professor (mid-level).

Abstract: The Alzheimer’s Association recognizes the importance of supporting research to understand and address diversity, equity, and inclusion in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias (ADRD). This funding program aims to provide seed or synergistic funding for research with the potential to increase knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in populations that have been historically excluded from or are under-represented in research studies. The goal of this funding program is to increase our understanding and develop strategies to address diversity, equity and inclusion in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia research. Projects with community partnerships will be given preference through this funding program and are strongly encouraged.



Children's Tumor Foundation (CTF), US - Young Investigator Award (YIA)

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 30th November, 2023; Full application – 31st January, 2024

Amount: These awards do not cover research equipment or materials but offer 2-3 years of funding at NIH payscale and $5,000 - $7,500 total travel allowance

Eligibility: Postdoctoral fellows (MD, PhD, or equivalent) with no more than 7 years past completion of their first doctoral degree at start of award OR Graduate student pursuing an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree.

Abstract: The Young Investigator Award is CTF’s longest running award program, and provides two-year salary support to early career NF researchers, such as senior doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, to help them get established as independent NF investigators. Since its inception, several YIAs have made groundbreaking research findings and notable publications through this program, and many have advanced to become leaders in the NF research and clinical communities. The main function of the YIA program has been to serve as a ‘seeding mechanism’ for researchers to secure larger grants, such as from the NIH and CDMRP NFRP.
