Published: 19-10-2023 09:37 | Updated: 19-10-2023 11:10

Current calls, week 42, 2023

Tips from KI Grants Office about current calls.

Swedish and Nordic calls

Forskningsanslag Majblomman

Majblomman stödjer forskning som syftar till att främja livssituationen för barn, med fokus på barns rättigheter, inflytande och delaktighet. Vi vänder oss till doktorander och forskare som fokuserar på barn i olika riskgrupper. Till dessa hör barn som lever i fattigdom eller under svåra sociala förhållanden, liksom barn med funktionsnedsättning, barn som möter svårigheter i skolan, och barn med hälsoproblem eller sjukdom. Två olika stöd utlyses: fem för doktorander och två för postdoktorer.

Closing date: November 20, 2023

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Forskningsanslag Ann-Mari och Ragnar Hemborgs Minnesfond

Minnesfondens ändamål är att främja vetenskaplig forskning inom den ortopediska medicinens område, d.v.s. avseende skador och/eller sjukdomar inom rörelseorganen som ej behandlas med kirurgiska eller specifikt reumatologiska metoder.

Anslag kan sökas för: förlorade löneförmåner i samband med forskning; sökandens direkta utgifter för projektet så som medarbetare, utrustning och driftmedel; studiebesök med anknytning till forskningsprojektet; deltagande i kongress med anknytning till forskningsprojektet.

Closing date: December 1, 2023

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Stipendium för forskningsstudier - Svenska Ödemförbundet (SÖF)

SÖF delar ut ett stipendium till forskning inom något av nedanstående områden: Lymfologi- Kunskap om lymfsystemets anatomi och fysiologi; Någon av lymfsystemets sjukdomar och komplikationer; Diagnostik-metoder för diagnosticering i ett tidigt stadium, riskminimering; Non-invasiva behandlingsmetoder- metoder som stimulerar lymfflödet för att förhindra försämring i form av volymökning; Livskvalitet för patienter med lymfödem, lipödem, Dercums sjukdom och/eller venösa ödem som utvecklat lymfödem; Patientundervisning/lymfskola- metoder för att lära sig leva med lymfödem/lipödem/Dercums sjukdom och/eller venösa ödem som utvecklat lymfödem; Rehabiliteringsmetoder.

Legitimerad vårdpersonal med grundkurs i forskningsmetodik som är medlemmar i SÖF kan söka maximalt 100 000 kr. 

Closing date: December 1, 2023.

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Forskningsanslag - Länsförsäkringars Forskningsfond   

Stöder forskning som förebygger skador och där data används på nya innovativa sätt för att bättre förutse risker och skapa skräddarsydda lösningar. I steg 1, ska sökande lämna en processkiss via blanketten på webbsidan (senast den 12 januari 2024). I steg 2, sökanden som gått vidare lämnar in en fullständig projektansökan. Projektbudgeten bör inte överstiga en miljon kronor per år (inklusive direkta, övriga och indirekta kostnader). Maximal projekttid är tre år.

Closing date: January 12, 2024 (Stage 1).

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Projektbidrag och doktorandstöd - Stiftelsen Sävstaholm  

Stiftelsen stödjer forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt kring barn, ungdomar och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF). Bidrag ges till vetenskaplig forskning som är nyskapande och bedrivs med hög kvalitet samt till mer generaliserbart utvecklingsarbete som kan komma denna grupp till godo. Vid bedömningen prioriteras sådan forskning som syftar till att förbättra levnadsförhållanden och delaktighet för barn, ungdomar och vuxna med IF. Projekt där personer med IF själva kommer till tals välkomnas.

Closing date: February 1, 2024.

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Fulbright Swedish Scholar Program

Fulbright Kommissionen utlyser härmed stipendier till disputerade svenska forskare och universitetslektorer för forskning och/eller föreläsning vid amerikanska universitet för det akademiska året 2024/2025.  

Closing date; January 8, 2024

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European calls

Call to ERC grantees: Showcase your research at Science is Wonderful

Science is Wonderful is an annual science fair showcasing research projects and innovations through hands-on experiments, science shows and games. It has become a flagship event in Brussels to highlight EU-funded research – featuring researchers and their scientific discoveries and the impact their work has on citizens’ daily lives.

ERC grantees are invited to apply to join the fair.

The 2024 edition will take place in Brussels on 25 and 26 April 2024 and is expected to attract some 5 000 young visitors over two days.

Apply by: 26 October 2023 

Application form for ERC grantees

EFSD new targets for diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases

This aims to stimulate and accelerate European research focusing on the identification and molecular understanding of new targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases. Areas of research emphasis may include:

  • Mechanisms of glucose-dependent insulin and glucagon secretion;
  • New targets for improving adipose tissue insulin resistance;
  • The role of lipid droplets in the etiology of metabolic fatty liver disease;
  • Regulation of liver fat content by gut hormones and/or the microbiome.

Closing date: 01 December 2023

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Improving research methods, capabilities and processes grant

This grant is intended to support the development of new tools, approaches and protocols that increase the quality, efficiency, and/or safety of RMD research. Research areas for which methods will be developed may include all RMD research areas but should be focused on clinical, community, health outcomes, and/or health services research as well as implementation science.

Successful applicants will define practical challenges and barriers to the conduct of RMD research and propose the development of a solution that can be tested within the pilot project and/or with subsequent extramural funding. Preference and highest priority will be given to projects that demonstrate a clear path to sustaining extramural funding or to direct implementation of improvements in RMD research.

Closing date: 15 December 2023

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Urology scholarships

These support basic urology research at a European research institution for one year.

Applicants must be under 40 years of age, be urologists or urologists-in-training and be members of EAU. Applicants must have acquired a letter of acceptance from the chairman or programme director of the host institution.

The scholarship is worth up to €30,000 for each project, covering living costs, travel expenses and one round-trip ticket.

Closing date: 01 January 2024

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Daniel Alagille award

This supports a young investigator exploring the frontiers of paediatric and adult genetic cholestatic diseases.

Applicants must hold a MD or PhD degree. They should hold a full-time position within their institution and should be working in a European institution and be EASL members.

The award is worth €25,000. A travel award to the international liver congress worth €1,000 is also included.

Closing date: 04 January 2024

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Scientific Grand Prize

Created in 2002, the Grand Prize will be given each year to a scientist or clinician who has made important contributions to cardiovascular physiology, biology, or medicine. Taken in the widest sense, these fields also include reconstructive surgery and the replacement of damaged tissues, physiology, pharmacology and therapeutic approaches, epidemiology and genetics, cell behaviour, molecular mechanisms and regeneration, gene and cell therapies, development and congenital malformations.

Closing date: 13 January 2024 (forecast)

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US calls

Federal Funding

NIH - Multidisciplinary Research to Accelerate Hepatitis B Cure in Persons Living with HIV and HBV (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-23-057

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - 13th March, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support research to better understand the impact of host and viral heterogeneity on pathogenesis of disease, viral persistence, and immunopathology of Hepatitis B (HBV) and inform cure strategies for HBV in people living with HIV (PLWH). Applicants will establish multidisciplinary teams that span the clinical and basic/translational research arenas and establish an observational cohort to accelerate discovery and increase clinical impact.

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NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE)

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-AI-23-070

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - standard dates

Abstract: The objective of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to solicit applications proposing research that is grounded in implementation science and can address the goals of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative. The overall objective of EHE is to address the ongoing public health crisis with goals of first reducing the number of incident infections in the U.S. by 75% by 2025, and at least 90% by 2030, compared to the baseline infection rate in 2017. Projects will leverage research-community collaborations and scientific advances in HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and outbreak response to advance the EHE goals, using innovations to tailor strategies for the multi-level barriers and strengths in communities disproportionately impacted by HIV.

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NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): The Road to Prevention of Stillbirth

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-HD-23-021

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - standard dates

Abstract: This NOSI is part of a multi-pronged approach in response to the Stillbirth Working Group’s recommendations. A wide variety of risk factors—including pregnancy complications, chronic health conditions, genetics, environmental factors, and social determinants of health—have been associated with stillbirth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, known risk factors account for a limited proportion of the variation in stillbirth rates. More research is needed to discover additional risk factors and delineate the mechanisms of how these risk factors and their interaction lead to stillbirth.

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NIH - Joint NINDS/NIMH Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PA-21-219

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - 16th February, 2024

Abstract: The Joint NINDS/NIMH Exploratory Neuroscience Research Grant program supports exploratory and innovative research projects, which fall within the missions of the NINDS and NIMH. Awards will provide support for the early and conceptual stages of projects. These studies often assess the feasibility of a novel avenue of investigation and involve considerable risk, but have the potential to bring about breakthroughs in the understanding of important areas of neuroscience, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, or models, of high value to the neuroscience community. While this funding opportunity also accepts clinical trials, only applications proposing “mechanistic clinical trials or studies” (studying pathophysiology or mechanism of action of an intervention, but not safety or efficacy) or basic experimental studies with humans (BESH) will be supported.

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The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF), US - Parkinson's Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - continuous; Full application - 11th January, 2024

Amount: Up to $2,000,000. Project length 1-3 years. No more than 15% of funds may be allocated for indirect costs.

Eligibility: The Therapeutics Pipeline Program is only open to industry and industry-academia collaborations.

Abstract: This program seeks to advance therapeutic development through pre-clinical and/or clinical testing of approaches addressing unmet needs of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The program is set up to benefit therapeutics with clear potential to prevent, stop, or delay disease progression or to reduce the burden of daily symptoms. Funding will support projects aimed at Pre-Clinical: Identifying, validating and/or developing novel pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions through pre-clinical development from early screening to pre-clinical characterization and testing.  Clinical: Progressing promising interventions with strong pre-clinical packages into/through initial clinical assessment exploring pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, safety/tolerability, or early proof of biology and/or clinical efficacy. For novel targets, MJFF is particularly interested in de-risking programs by supporting early proof of concept in patients to gain insight into the therapeutic potential, including exploration of biomarker-based or clinical endpoint-based efficacy.


Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, US - SFARI Bridge to Independence Award Program

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - 10th January, 2024

Amount: $600,000. Project length 2-5 years. Indirect costs are not covered funding the postdoctoral stage of this grant but up to 20% is allowable for the transition phase.

Eligibility: Applicants must hold a Ph.D. and/or M.D., or equivalent degree. Applicants must be currently in a non-independent, mentored training position as recognized by their institution.

Applicants must be actively seeking and applying to tenure-track faculty positions at research institutions within or outside the U.S. between September 2024 and May 2025. Independence Fellows are expected to apply, secure and transition to a tenure-track faculty position at a research institution within or outside the U.S. by the end of the 2025–2026 academic year.

Abstract: The SFARI Bridge to Independence (BTI) program engages talented early-career scientists from diverse and/or historically underrepresented backgrounds to pursue research in autism and facilitates their transition into independent faculty positions at a research institution within or outside the U.S. We seek to support the next generation of top autism researchers. The BTI Award program welcomes applications that span the breadth of science that SFARI supports, including genetics, molecular mechanisms, circuits and systems, and clinical science.


American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM) Foundation, US - Research Grant

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 1st December, 2023; Full application - 8th March, 2024

Amount: Up to $50,000. Indirect costs are not supported by this grant.

Eligibility: The principal investigator (PI) must hold a doctoral-level degree (DVM/VMD, MD, DDS, PhD or equivalent). The one exception is in the husbandry area. A principal investigator with BS, MS or AALAS Technologist certificate may apply.  Investigators from outside the USA are encouraged to apply. These PI’s should contact the Foundation Scientific Director to discuss how they will comply with: (1) the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee requirement; and, (2) the ILAR Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

Abstract: The Mission of the ACLAM Foundation is to expand the body of knowledge in the fields of laboratory Animal Science and Medicine through funding research grants. The ACLAM Foundation has developed a two-tiered system for competitive review of grant proposals. Submission of a letter of intent is followed by a request for a full grant proposal to selected applicants. The Foundation will fund studies in the following five laboratory animal research subjects: Analgesia/anesthesia; Behavior/well-being; Diagnostics/diseases: Husbandry; Refinement of animal models [Note: Emphasis is on Russell & Birch 3R’s – reduction, refinement, replacement - not on new research model development.]
