Published: 05-10-2023 09:23 | Updated: 05-10-2023 09:40

Current calls, week 40, 2023

Tips from KI Grants Office about current calls.

Swedish and Nordic calls

The Norhed Foundation’s prevention grant via the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation

Through support from the Norhed Foundation, the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation has been provided with the opportunity to make an additional investment in lifestyle related interventions in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

The grant, which focuses primarily on diet and physical activity, applies to both primary and secondary prevention but also focuses on lifestyle-oriented measures as part of the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Applications are welcomed for projects with a broad perspective and that highlight the importance of lifestyle issues. This support should preferably be applied for by research networks consisting of at least two research groups, and in the form of a project grant. 

The main applicant can only be awarded the grant once. There are two grant types available: Norhead Foundation, worth up to SEK 2 million per year for up to three years and Heart-Lung Foundation, worth up to SEK 1 million per year for up to three years.

Closing date: November 20, 2023

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The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation

  • Travel grant/conference grant: may be sought for: 1). Participation (digitally or on-site) in well-established conferences organised by recognised organisations. Travel allowances are not usually granted for travel within Sweden, but exceptions may be made for major international conferences located in Sweden. 2). Brief study visits (4–12 weeks) to obtain methodological knowledge or initiate collaboration with another research group.


  • Scientific meetings: primarily supports national public/open meetings aimed at stimulating contact and collaboration between various research groups within Sweden. It is particularly important to give young researchers the opportunity to interact with colleagues from other universities and hospitals.


  • Networking support: primarily supports networks aimed at stimulating contact and collaboration between researchers who stand to benefit greatly from being part of a network. It is particularly important to give young researchers the opportunity to meet colleagues from other research institutes, higher education institutions and hospitals. It is even more beneficial if the networks in question have mixed constellations; i.e., both women and men, younger and more established researchers, and preferably both cardiovascular and pulmonary researchers.

Closing date: December 31, 2023

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European calls

Projects in paediatric cancer - European Science Foundation (ESF), EU

These support clinical and translational research projects that accelerate therapeutic innovation for children and adolescents with cancer. The autumn 2023 call will be exclusively dedicated to research on paediatric brain tumours.

Closing date : 17 October 2023

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EFSD/Lilly exploring and applying new strategies in diabetes expand programme - European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), INT

The European Association for the Study of Diabetes invites applications for its EFSD/Lilly exploring and applying new strategies in diabetes expand programme. This supports diabetes research projects on potential strategies that can be implemented in Europe and rolled out in low- and middle income countries to favour the improvement of quality of care for people living with diabetes. Applications within any area of clinical diabetes research may be submitted, with an emphasis on:

•prevention of diabetes;

•diagnosis and management of all forms of diabetes;

•diagnosis, management and prevention of diabetes-related microvascular and macrovascular complications.

Closing date: 02 November 2023

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Research grants - European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), INT

The European Association for Endoscopic Surgery invites applications for its research grants. This supports the strengthening of clinical, educational and basic science research in minimally invasive and robotic interventions as well as surgical data analysis by supporting novel research activities across the EAES. Research focusing on surgical quality, particularly those that use data analysis and artificial intelligence will receive bonus points. Special consideration will be given to:

•programmes developed for geographically and economically less advantaged areas within Europe;

•programmes aiming at excellence of up-coming young doctors in clinical and basic science of endoscopic surgery;

•programmes developed to build up networks of clinical and/or basic scientists in the field of endoscopic surgery across Europe.

Eligibility Note: The Research grant program is open to any investigator who is an EAES member currently in a surgery-related endoscopic or laparoscopic practice.

Closing date: 15 November 2023

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Large clinical grants - Osteology Foundation, CH

The Osteology Foundation invites applications for its large clinical grants. These support clinical research to bridge the gap between scientific progress and clinical practice for the benefit of patients in the field of oral and maxillofacial tissue regeneration.

This call is repeated every 2 years.

Closing date 15 November 2023

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Springboard award - European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID), INT

The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease invites applications for its springboard award. This supports the next generation of clinical academics working in paediatric infectious diseases by providing salary support for the time they need to write competitive applications for substantial grants and fellowships.

This scheme is intended to help to bridge across a critical career stage in which there are often gaps in funding availability.

Extended Deadline, Closing date: 17 November 2023

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US calls

Federal Funding

NIH - Fc-Dependent Mechanisms of Antibody-Mediated Killing (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-23-054

Upcoming deadlines: Full applications – 26th January, 2024.

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support basic research that will elucidate mechanisms of Fc-mediated antibody functions, including antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and antibody-dependent cell-mediated phagocytosis (ADCP). Supported studies are expected to generate foundational data and tools that can be applied to the prediction of Fc-mediated killing activity by antibodies. Such data should accelerate development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and design of vaccines or vaccine-adjuvant combinations that induce antibody responses capable of killing infected host cells, particularly in cases where induction of neutralizing antibodies fails or is insufficient for clearance of infection.

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NIH -Prevention and Treatment through a Comprehensive Care Continuum for HIV-affected Adolescents in Resource Constrained Settings Implementation Science Network (PATC³H-IN) Implementation Science Coordinating Center (UM2 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-HD-24-009

Upcoming deadline: Full application – 6st December 2023

Abstract: This NOFO invites applications to participate in a research program cooperative agreement to support the Prevention and Treatment through a Comprehensive Care Continuum for HIV-affected Adolescents in Resource Constrained Settings Implementation Science Network (PATC3H-IN). The Network will expand and/or improve successes achieved by PATC3H to new geographic settings with limited implementation science (IS) research capacity and/or risk populations who are poorly represented in international adolescent HIV research (e.g. sexual and gender minorities; commercial sex workers; drug users) and stimulate much needed IS research in a neglected area of public health significance: prevention of new HIV infections among adolescents at risk and the identification of, and linkage and retention to care of and long-term viral suppression among youth living with HIV in low-to-middle income countries (LMICs). These settings must have an HIV epidemic density defined by UNAIDS estimates as either a country 1) in which at least 200,000 people are living with HIV and the number has not decreased by more than 5% over the last 2 consecutive years of available data or 2) has an HIV incidence among youth ages 10 to 24 years of 0.01% or more.

The structure of PATC3H-IN shall consist of three highly integrated components - (1) Clinical Research Centers (CRC) (each center will propose a study to be executed in at least 5 research performance sites); (2) a Coordination and Operations Center (COC); and (3) an Implementation Science Coordinating Center (ISCC).

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NIH -Developing novel theory and methods for understanding the genetic architecture of complex human traits (R01, R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-23-301 (R21); PAR-23-302 (R01)

Upcoming deadlines: Full applications – 5th February (with standard NIH deadlines R01), 2024 and 16th February, 2024 (with standard NIH deadlines, R21) until 8th January, 2027

Abstract: The goal of this NOFO is to support applications for novel theory and methods development that enable better understanding of how genetic and non-genetic factors contribute to complex trait variation across individuals, families, and populations. Approaches should account for interdependencies across scales of biological, social, and ecological organization, make extensive use of theory, modeling, and validation with available large-scale datasets, and may be interdisciplinary drawing from the natural and social sciences.

More info: PAR-23-301

More info: PAR-23-302


NIH -Fc-Dependent Mechanisms of Antibody-Mediated Killing (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-23-054

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 26th January, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support basic research that will elucidate mechanisms of Fc-mediated antibody functions, including antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and antibody-dependent cell-mediated phagocytosis (ADCP). Supported studies are expected to generate foundational data and tools that can be applied to the prediction of Fc-mediated killing activity by antibodies. Such data should accelerate development of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and design of vaccines or vaccine-adjuvant combinations that induce antibody responses capable of killing infected host cells, particularly in cases where induction of neutralizing antibodies fails or is insufficient for clearance of infection.

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NIH - Mechanistic Studies of the Effects of Psychosocial Stress on Complex Morbidity Involving SUD, Psychiatric Disorders, and HIV (R01 Clinical Trials Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-005

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 15th February, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit applications for research aimed at elucidating neurobiological mechanisms underlying the influence of psychosocial stress on substance use disorders (SUDs) and co-occurring psychiatric disorders in people living with HIV (PLWH).

This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. Applications that fail to include a PEDP will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the NOFO instructions carefully and view the available PEDP guidance material.

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MJFF, US – The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders

Upcoming deadlines: 7th December 2023

Amount: MJFF will award 8 awards and with 180,000 USD each for a period of two years.

Eligibility: Researchers from all countries are encouraged to apply.

Abstract: The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders aims to grow the global base of movement disorder specialists — neurologists with additional training in Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders — by training movement disorder clinician-researchers who can provide expert care and lead scientific advances. The program annually funds academic centers to train a new movement disorder clinician-researcher over a two-year period and is growing an international, collaborative network of next-generation leaders in Parkinson’s research and care.
