Published: 14-09-2023 13:40 | Updated: 14-09-2023 13:42

Current calls, week 37, 2023

Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls

Swedish and Nordic calls


Forskningsanslag - Fredrik och Ingrid Thurings Stiftelse

Stöder medicinsk forskning inom psykiatri. Klinisk forskning ges prioritet. Preklinisk forskning kan komma i fråga om den har relevans för fondens ändamål och har kliniska implikationer.

Behöriga att söka är forskare som ännu ej disputerat eller forskare som disputerat mer än fem år innan ansökningstillfället. Bidrag är värda mellan 50,000 kr och 300,000 kr.

Closing date: October 15, 2023

Thurings Stiftelse


Projektanslag - Stiftelsen Promobilia 

Stiftelsen utlyser projektanslag för forskning och utveckling med syfte främja ett aktivt och självständigt liv hos personer som lever med funktionsnedsättningar, enligt Stiftelsens ändamålsbestämmelser. 

Nytt för HT23 är att Stiftelsen utlyser både ett-åriga och fleråriga ansökningar, och fortsättningsanslag med belopp på 500 000 kr/år i upp till tre år. Stiftelsen tillåter OH-kostnader på max 20 procent av den totala sökta summan.

Closing date: October 16, 2023

projektanslag | Promobilia


Stipendium - Riksföreningen för Sjuksköterskor inom Urologi (RSU)

Syftar till att stimulera sjuksköterskor till utveckling av vården av urologiska patienter. Stipendier kan sökas för resor för konferenser, utvecklings- och förbättringsarbeten, kurser, utbildningar och hospiteringar. Behöriga att söka är legitimerade sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom urologi och har varit medlemmar i föreningen i minst ett år.

Closing date: November 30, 2023

More information 


Stipendium - Föreningen för Chefer & Ledare

Syftar till att stimulera utvecklingen av ledarskap inom vård och omsorg samt kurser, konferenser och studieresor nationellt och internationellt som bidrar till ökad kunskap om ledarskap inom samma område.

Behöriga att söka är de som varit medlemmar i föreningen under ett års tid. Stipendium beviljas med maximalt 10 000 SEK/stipendiat och år.

Closing date: November 30, 2023

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Fortbildningsstipendier - Svensk Kirurgisk Förening (SKF)

Möjliggör för läkare att genomföra en kongressresa, forskningsvistelse, auskultation på annan klinik eller eget fortbildningsprojekt.  Kan sökas av läkare som är medlemmar i SKF.

Closing date: November 20, 2023

More information  



Inbjudan att nominera till Hilda och Alfred Erikssons pris år 2024

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien inbjuder till nominering för Hilda och Alfred Erikssons pris. 

Inkom med signerat skriftligt motiverat förslag senast 1 oktober 2023.

Vänligen se bifogad inbjudan och nomineringsblankett.


Utlysning Barndiabetesfonden

Barndiabetesfonden – vars ändamål är att stödja forskning som syftar till att förebygga, bota eller lindra diabetes hos barn och ungdomar – utlyser nu 2023 års forskningsanslag.

Ansökan görs via formulär som kan hämtas på Barndiabetesfondens hemsida från augusti 2023.
Alla ansökningar som gäller typ 1-diabetes är välkomna, oavsett åldersgrupp.

Ansökan via e-post ska ha inkommit till Barndiabetesfondens kansli senast den 15 oktober 2023.
För vidare information och instruktioner hänvisas till och till Barndiabetesfondens kansli på

Kompletta ansökningar remitteras till Barndiabetesfondens vetenskapliga råd för bedömning.
Beslut om och utdelning av anslag sker i december 2023.



STINTs program STINT International Postdoc är nu öppet

Syftet med programmet är att stärka kvaliteten på svensk forskning och högre utbildning genom att ge nyligen disputerade forskare möjlighet att vistas vid en utländsk värdinstitution. Den postdoktorala forskaren ges på detta vis möjlighet att möta en annan vetenskaplig miljö, bli mer självständig och utvidga sitt internationella kontaktnät.

Programmet vänder sig till forskare som avlagt doktorsexamen vid svenskt lärosäte högst två år före sista ansökningsdatum, alternativt har redan inplanerad doktorsexamen inom ett år från sista ansökningsdatum.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen

Sista ansökningsdag är 15 september 2023 kl.15:00.



STINTs program Mobility Grants: India är nu öppet

Syftet med utlysningen Mobility Grants: India är att stärka svensk forskning och högre utbildning genom etablering och utveckling av samarbeten med indiska lärosäten. Mobility Grants: India ger stöd till projekt med hög vetenskaplig kvalitet som tydligt bidrar till involverade lärosätens verksamhet.

STINT har överenskommit med Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) att gemensamt stödja tillkomsten av bilaterala projekt. Parallellt med ansökan till STINT kan ansökan göras till SERBs motsvarande program i Indien, men det är inte ett krav. Andra former av medfinansiering på den indiska sidan är också möjliga, t.ex. egen finansiering från den indiska motparten.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen

Sista ansökningsdag är 15 september 2023 kl.15:00.

Teaching Sabbatical

STINTs program Teaching Sabbatical syftar till att utveckla såväl individer som institutioner. Genom att ge forskare och lärare som brinner för undervisningsfrågor internationella erfarenheter med utgångspunkt i lärarrollen, snarare än i forskarrollen, vill STINT bidra till att högre utbildning förnyas och nya nätverk skapas.

Stor vikt läggs på mervärdet av utlandsvistelsen, varför STINT uppmuntrar kandidater att söka nya internationella erfarenheter. STINT samarbetar med utvalda lärosäten baserade i Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore och USA.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen

Sista ansökningsdag är 15 september 2023 kl.15:00.

European calls



Large clinical grants - Osteology Foundation

The Osteology Foundation invites applications for its large clinical grants. These support clinical research to bridge the gap between scientific progress and clinical practice for the benefit of patients in the field of oral and maxillofacial tissue regeneration. Grants are worth up to CHF 350,000 for a maximum period of three years

Closing date: 15 November 2023

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Fellowship awards - European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID)

The European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases invites applications for its fellowship awards. These support basic or clinical research that utilises advanced techniques and methods to improve the health of children through the prevention or management of infectious diseases. Fellowships can take place outside or within the applicant's institution and country. Applicants must:

  • come from the European region or must be resident and working there;
  • be within a maximum of 16 years of a medical qualification, PhD, or other highest degree;
  • possess a medical qualification or a PhD, with preference given to physician scientists;
  • be either accepted for a paediatric infectious diseases fellowship programme, be working in such a programme or have embarked upon the nearest equivalent training pathway that exists in their country;
  • be good standing ESPID members.

At least one out of the mentor supervising the fellow at the host institution or the fellow's supervisor at their home institution must be a ESPID member in good standing.

Closing date: 1 December 2023

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Research fellowship programme - European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS)

ECTRIMS offers a Research Training Fellowship Programme for young neuroscientists to facilitate their conduct of and training in basic, clinical or applied research related to multiple sclerosis. The goal of the programme is to maximise the exchange of information and to help grow the pool of well-trained research scientists focused on problems in MS. The fellowship involves a one- or two-year funded fellowships in a European laboratory or clinic.

Closing date: 1 December 2023

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EFSD new targets for diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases – European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD)

The European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, in partnership with Merck, Sharpe & Dome, invites applications for its call on new targets for diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases. This aims to stimulate and accelerate European research focusing on the identification and molecular understanding of new targets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes or obesity-related metabolic diseases. Areas of research emphasis may include (but are not limited to):

  • Mechanisms of glucose-dependent insulin and glucagon secretion;
  • New targets for improving adipose tissue insulin resistance;
  • The role of lipid droplets in the etiology of metabolic fatty liver disease;
  • Regulation of liver fat content by gut hormones and/or the microbiome.

Research will be supported through the award of grants, each of up to Euro 100,000.

Closing date: 1 December 2023

More informtation 


Grants - Nakao Foundation for Worldwide Oral Health

This supports basic research, clinical research and educational program in oral health contributing to a healthy and long-living society and to a high quality of life. Projects should fall into one of the following topics:

  • minimum intervention dentistry
  • oral health for ageing population;
  • oral functions;
  • oral frailty;
  • oral health literacy.

Closing date: 3 December 2023

More information 


The Wolf Prize in science

In accordance with the Wolf Prize principle of rotation, candidates for the 2024 prize can be nominated only in the following five fields:

Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Agriculture and Music.

Submission via Email only to:

Submission deadline: October 12th, 2023.

See the nomination form regarding science


US calls


Federal Funding

NIH - Improving Care and Outcomes for Cancer Survivors from Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-23-292

Upcoming deadlines: Full application - standard dates apply

Abstract: Through this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to support the rigorous assessment of barriers to quality cancer treatment and follow-up care for sexual and gender minority (SGM) cancer survivors. This funding opportunity is intended to address a critical need for improved care delivery and outcomes for SGM cancer survivors. The goal is to address the disease burden in an underserved and understudied population that is at higher risk of poorer health outcomes. The NCI solicits proposals for observational and/or interventional studies of SGM survivors designed to understand barriers and/or improve care and outcomes for SGM people with cancer, using interoperable sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data collection in cancer care settings, where appropriate.

More information 


CDMRP - FY23 KCRP Clinical Consortium Award Program Announcement

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 26th Oct, 2023; Full application 9th Nov, 2023

Abstract: The KCRP’s vision is to eliminate kidney cancer through collaboration and discovery. The mission of the FY23 KCRP is to promote rigorous, innovative, high-impact research in kidney cancer for the benefit of Service Members, Veterans, and the American public. Within this context, the KCRP is interested in supporting research and clinical care that addresses the KCRP Overarching Strategic Goals to: (1) increase understanding of the biology of kidney cancer; (2) develop novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of kidney cancer; (3) improve patient care for kidney cancer patients; and (4) grow the field and increase collaboration in the area of kidney cancer. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read and consider the KCRP Strategic Plan, which includes further information on the overarching goals and program priorities, before preparing their applications. The KCRP Strategic Plan may be found here.

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Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc. (BSF), US - Research Grant Program

Upcoming deadlines: Full Application - 31st October 2023

Amount: Idea award: $50,000 maximum, 1-2 years in duration. Development award: $100,000 maximum, 2-3 years in duration. Indirect Cost limited to 10% of Direct Cost.

Eligibility: Applicants must be independent investigators (e.g. faculty appointment).

Abstract: Barth Syndrome Foundation (BSF) and our International Affiliates welcome innovative applications that address the basic, translational, and clinical research challenges of Barth syndrome. Through this program, BSF seeks to provide seed grant funding to young and established investigators in order to generate the preliminary data required for successful follow-on funding available from major grant-making institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Application Types:

  • Idea applications are well-suited for basic research/discovery science applications and have a lower threshold for the amount of preliminary data required compared to Development applications.
  • Development applications have a higher threshold of preliminary data and are ideally suited for proposals with clear implications for therapeutic development.



Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), US - Broad Pragmatic Studies Funding Announcement

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 3rd October 2023; Full Application (by invitation)- 9th January 2024

Amount: Up to $10 million over up to 5 years. PCORI has a 40% indirect cost cap.

Eligibility: Independent researchers are welcome to apply. Foreign Organizations and Nondomestic Components of U.S. Organizations must provide a thorough and thoughtful justification for the research's ability to benefit the US healthcare system and that the engagement plans include US patients and stakeholders and are relevant to the US healthcare system.

Abstract: This PCORI Funding Announcement (PFA) invites applications for high-quality comparative clinical effectiveness research projects. All applications must align the proposed research with at least one of the four National Priorities for Health described within the PFA. Twelve topic themes are also included in this funding opportunity. Applicants have the option to choose up to three topic themes, based on how their proposed research aligns with the themes. However, aligning with the indicated topic themes is not required. The National Priorities for Health and Topic Themes will assist PCORI in determining the optimal review pathway for the proposed research.



Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), US - Healthy ageing - optimizing physical and mental functioning across the ageing continuum

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 3rd October 2023; Full Application (by invitation)- 9th January 2024

Amount: $12 million over up to 5 years. PCORI has a 40% indirect cost cap.

Eligibility: Independent researchers are welcome to apply. Foreign Organizations and Nondomestic Components of U.S. Organizations must provide a thorough and thoughtful justification for the research's ability to benefit the US healthcare system and that the engagement plans include US patients and stakeholders and are relevant to the US healthcare system.

Abstract: This reissued Healthy Aging Targeted PCORI Funding Announcement seeks to fund high-quality, comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) projects that focus on optimizing physical and mental functioning for community-dwelling older adults and their caregivers. The Healthy Aging Targeted PFA will solicit applications for CER studies that focus on different phases of the aging continuum and aim to achieve one or more of the following four goals:

  • maintaining function and independence
  • facilitating chronic disease management
  • supporting individuals with functional impairment
  • reducing caregiving burden and improving caregiver quality of life

While the funding announcement is open to many comparative clinical effectiveness research questions, the following Special Areas of Emphasis (SAEs) are of particular interest to PCORI:

  • Functional Sensory Impairment
  • Care Coordination/Models of Care for Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions
  • Interventions for Caregivers of Older Adults Living with Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias (ADRD)



Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), US - Implementation of findings from PCORI's major research investments

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 3rd October 2023; Full Application (by invitation)- 9th January 2024

Amount: $2.5 million over up to 4 years. PCORI has a 40% indirect cost cap.

Eligibility: Independent researchers are welcome to apply. Foreign Organizations and Nondomestic Components of U.S. Organizations must provide a thorough and thoughtful justification for the research's ability to benefit the US healthcare system and that the engagement plans include US patients and stakeholders and are relevant to the US healthcare system.

Abstract: This PCORI Funding Announcement (PFA) seeks to fund implementation projects that promote the uptake of peer-reviewed findings from specific, high-priority, PCORI-funded research in the context of the body of related evidence. PCORI has identified the following four areas of eligible evidence:

  • Obesity Treatment in Primary Care Settings
  • Nonsurgical treatment options can improve or eliminate symptoms for women with urinary incontinence (UI).
  • Several kinds of therapy and medicines can reduce or stop symptoms for people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • The use of narrow-spectrum versus broad-spectrum antibiotics to treat children’s acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs).



Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), US - Telehealth to optimize management of multiple chronic conditions among vulnerable populations in primary care

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 3rd October 2023; Full Application (by invitation)- 9th January 2024

Amount: $10 million over up to 5 years. PCORI has a 40% indirect cost cap.

Eligibility: Independent researchers are welcome to apply. Foreign Organizations and Nondomestic Components of U.S. Organizations must provide a thorough and thoughtful justification for the research's ability to benefit the US healthcare system and that the engagement plans include US patients and stakeholders and are relevant to the US healthcare system.

Abstract: The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is seeking to fund high-quality, comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) projects that focus on different approaches to incorporating access to and use of telehealth to optimize management of multiple chronic conditions in primary care, particularly among vulnerable populations. This Targeted PCORI Funding Announcement is soliciting applications that respond to the following question: What is the comparative clinical effectiveness of different approaches to incorporating access to and use of telehealth to optimize management of multiple chronic conditions in primary care, particularly among vulnerable populations?



Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), US - Improving Methods for Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR)

Upcoming deadlines: LOI - 3rd October 2023; Full Application (by invitation)- 9th January 2024

Amount: $750,00 over up to 3 years. PCORI has a 40% indirect cost cap.

Eligibility: Independent researchers are welcome to apply. Foreign Organizations and Nondomestic Components of U.S. Organizations must provide a thorough and thoughtful justification for the research's ability to benefit the US healthcare system and that the engagement plans include US patients and stakeholders and are relevant to the US healthcare system.

Abstract: With this PCORI Funding Announcement (PFA), PCORI aims to fund studies that address high-priority methodological gaps in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and clinical comparative effectiveness research (CER) and that. lead to improvements in the strength and quality of evidence generated by patient-centered CER studies. PCORI has identified the following areas as programmatic priorities:

  • Methods to Improve the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Clinical Research
  • Methods to Improve Study Design
  • Methods to Support Data Research Networks
  • Methods Related to Ethical and Human Subjects Protections Issues in patient-centered CER



2024 Gairdner Award Nominations
DUE October 1, 2023  12 midnight PDT

Nominate a deserving scientist for:

The Canada Gairdner International Award
for Biomedical Research Discoveries
5 x $100 000 prizes

The John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award
for Science Impacting Health Equity
1 x $100 000 prize (can be shared)

Read the Guidelines
Sign up for an Awards Webinar
Submit a Nomination
Ask a Question


Zonta International utlyser stipendier - Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2024

Detta är ett internationellt stipendium, vilket kan sökas av kvinnor som bedriver kvalificerad forskning på doktorandnivå inom flygteknik, rymdvetenskap och närliggande områden.

Stipendiesumman är 10 000 USD per stipendiat och delas årligen ut till 30 stipendiater i världen.

Sista ansökningsdag 15 november 2023.

Stipendiet instiftades 1938 för att hedra piloten och Zontamedlemmen Amelia Earhart.

Sedan starten har Zonta delat ut över 1300 Amelia Earhart Fellowships.

Ansökan sker på engelska direkt via Zonta Internationals webbplats