Published: 17-01-2024 15:34 | Updated: 17-01-2024 15:34

Current calls, week 3, 2024

Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls

Swedish and Nordic calls 


Resebidrag - Svensk Onkologisk Förening 

Resebidrag kan sökas av föreningens medlemmar för deltagande i internationella vetenskapliga möten. Stipendiesumman är på 15 000 kr. 

Closing date: January 31, 2024.

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Forskningsprojekt - AFA Försäkring och Alecta

Afa Försäkring och Alecta utlyser det gemensamma FoU-programmet ”Vägen till psykisk hälsa i arbetslivet: Förebyggande, rehabiliterande och stärkande insatser”. Det övergripande syftet med forskningsprogrammet är att öka hälsan och minska sjukfrånvaron på grund av psykisk ohälsa hos arbetare och tjänstemän i privat sektor. Målet är att förebygga psykisk ohälsa, stärka den goda psykiska hälsan och öka kunskapen om verksamma främjande och rehabiliterande insatser. Utlysningen riktar sig till forskare verksamma vid svenska universitet och högskolor, forskningsinstitut och universitetssjukhus. 

Closing date: February 9, 2024 at 14.00.

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Forskning projekt– Svenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS)

Äldre med multisjuklighet utgör en allt större del av patienterna inom hälso- och sjukvården och det finns mycket i det medicinska omhändertagandet och samverkan kring patientgruppen som behöver utvecklas och förstås bättre. För att öka kunskapen inom området utlyser SLS särskilda medel som kan sökas för tvärvetenskaplig forskning om äldre med multisjuklighet. Ansöknings grupp ska vara ett tvärvetenskapliga team där olika kompetenserna gagnar projektet. Huvudsökande ska vara läkare disputerat för senast 10 år sedan och medlem i SLS. Tre forskningsprojekt kommer att beviljas och dela på anslaget om två miljoner kronor med högst 650 000 kr/projekt.

Closing date: February 15, 2024

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Svenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS) 

Svenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS) är läkarkårens oberoende vetenskapliga professionsorganisation. Vi arbetar bland annat för att stärka förutsättningarna för läkare att ägna sig åt medicinsk forskning. Vi stödjer dessutom god medicinsk forskning genom att årligen dela ut runt 30 miljoner kronor i anslag och stöd. Tack vare generösa donationer kan vi årligen dela ut en rad priser för att belöna och uppmuntra god medicinsk forskning. 
Pristagarna utses genom jurygrupper eller nomineringar och priserna delas ut vid Svenska Läkaresällskapets årshögtid i oktober 2024. 

Sista dag att nominera pristagare till SLS priser 2024 är den 1 mars 2024. 

Information om vilka priser som delas ut i år och hur man nominerar finns på vår hemsida 

För frågor om SLS priser, vänligen mejla


Forskningsbidrag - Patentmedelsfonden för odontologisk profylaxforskning (PMF)

Huvudsakliga verksamhet av PMF stiftelsen består i att ge bidrag till profylaxinriktad forskning mot resultat som kan tillämpas i klinisk odontologisk verksamhet för att främja oral hälsa och motverka oral ohälsa. Fonden ger även bidrag till profylaxinriktad forskning av mera grundforskningsbetonad karaktär, förutsatt att projekten är vetenskapligt högklassiga och ansökningarna är välmotiverade. Projektbidrag tilldelas i första hand svenska, i andra hand nordiska och i tredje hand utomnordiska forskare. Prioritet ges till ansökningar med vetenskapligt nyhetsvärde och som avser fleråriga projekt med god ’vetenskaplig volym’. Sådana projekt kan tilldelas 3-årsanslag.

Closing date: February 15, 2024

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Projektbidrag inom behandlingsforskning - Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

Syftet med bidraget till klinisk studie inom behandlingsforskning är att ge stöd till kliniska behandlingsstudier som är motiverade av hälso- och sjukvårdens behov och som förväntas leda till patient- och samhällsnytta inom en relativt kort tidsperiod. Med behandlingsstudier avses såväl interventions- som observationsstudier. Även områden som prevention, diagnostik, uppföljning, implementering, omvårdnad och rehabilitering inkluderas. Bidraget ska möjliggöra för en konstellation av forskare inom regioner och akademi att arbeta mot ett gemensamt forskningsmål.

Closing date: February 20, 2024. 

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Internationell postdok – Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

Syftet med bidraget till internationell postdok (i) inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap, och (ii) inom medicin och hälsa (vårens utlysning) är att ge nydisputerade forskare med doktorsexamen från svenskt universitet möjlighet att utöka sitt nätverk och sin kompetens genom att arbeta utomlands under trygga anställningsformer. Bidraget ska också premiera den svenska forskningens kvalitet och förnyelse. är att ge nydisputerade forskare med doktorsexamen från svenskt universitet möjlighet att utöka sitt nätverk och sin kompetens genom att arbeta utomlands under trygga anställningsformer. Bidraget ska också premiera den svenska forskningens kvalitet och förnyelse.

Closing date: February 20, 2024. 

Internationell postdok inom naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap (vårens utlysning)

Internationell postdok inom medicin och hälsa (vårens utlysning)


EU Horizon Europe research application support - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research  (SSF)

This supports Swedish researchers in the fields of natural science, technology or medicine in work of applying for grants in the Horizon Europe programme. The Call aims to promote internationalization of Swedish research by stimulating increased Swedish participation in HEU Pillar 2 Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness. The HEU-projects must be of strategic relevance for Sweden, i.e., benefit the future competitiveness of Sweden. The Call is directed exclusively towards researchers in natural science, technology or medicine at Swedish universities or research institutes that apply for a HEU Pillar 2 Project Coordinator role. Selected projects will receive SSF-grants maximized to SEK 500 000 (incl. overheads).

Closing date: February 29, 2024

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Project Grants  - Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte)

The call for proposals welcomes all applications within Forte’s overarching areas of health, working life and welfare. The research that receives funding shall be of high scientific quality and have good potential to benefit society in the short or long term. One can apply for a maximum of SEK 5 million for three-year projects and SEK 3 million for two-year projects. The applicant must have obtained a doctoral degree no later than the closing date of the call for proposals.

Closing date: February 29, 2024.

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Projektbidrag inom neurodegenerativa sjukdomar - Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

VR utlyser ett bidrag för internationella forskningssamarbeten inom neurodegenerativa sjukdomar. Syftet med bidraget är att stödja internationella samarbeten inom Joint programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Resarch (JPND). Sverige är via Vetenskapsrådet ett av de 17 länder som deltar i JPND-utlysningen, som har titeln ”Mechanisms and measurement of disease progression in the early phase of neurodegenerative diseases”. Bidraget söks av enskild forskare som ingår som en av max två svenska projektledare i ett konsortium med partners från minst tre deltagande länder.

Konsortieskissansökan ska skickas till JPND senast den 5 mars 2024 (kl. 12.00). Svenska projektledarens ansökan i Prisma ska skickas till Prisma den 12 mars 2024 (kl 14.00). Fullständig konsortieansökan till JPND ska skickas den 25 juni 2024 (kl. 12.00), och svenska projektledarens ansökan till Prisma, den 2 juli 2024 (kl 14.00)

Closing dates: 

  • Consortium pre-application to JPND March 5, 2024; 
  • Swedish Project leader pre-application to Prisma, March 12, 2024.

Projektbidrag för internationella forskningssamarbeten inom neurodegenrativa sjukdomar (JPND)



Gästforskarstipendier - Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna

Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna inbjuder ansökningar om gästforskarstipendier. Dessa ger svenska forskare möjlighet att bjuda in utländska forskare att verka vid en svensk vetenskaplig institution. Behöriga att söka är svenska seniora forskare som ha avlagt doktorsexamen tidigare än fem år före ansökningstillfället. Stipendierna beviljas för mellan en till 12 månaders tid, och är avsedda för att utgöra en ersättning för de merkostnader som gästen ådrar sig genom att förlägga sin verksamhet till Sverige.

Closing date: March 10, 2024.

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Projektbidrag inom antimikrobiell resistens - Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

VR utlyser ett bidrag för internationella samarbeten inom antimikrobiell resistens. Syftet med bidraget är att stödja internationella samarbeten inom Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) som undersöker åtgärdsstrategier för att förhindra utveckling och överföring av infektioner orsakade av antimikrobiell resistens. Sverige är via Vetenskapsrådet ett av de 20 länder som deltar i JPIAMR-utlysningen. Bidraget söks av enskild forskare som ingår som en av max två svenska projektledare i ett konsortium med partners från minst tre deltagande länder.

Konsortieskissansökan ska skickas till JPIAMR senast den 14 mars 2024 (kl. 12.00). Svenska projektledarens ansökan i Prisma ska skickas till Prisma den 19 mars 2024 (kl 14.00). Fullständig konsortieansökan till JPIAMR ska skickas den 2 juli 2024 (kl. 12.00), och svenska projektledarens ansökan till Prisma, den 9 juli 2024 (kl 14.00)

Closing dates: 

  • Consortium pre-application to JPIAMR March 14, 2024; 
  • Swedish Project leader pre-application to Prisma, March 19, 2024.

Projektbidrag för internationella samarbeten inom antimikrobiell resistens (JPIAMR)

AMR Interventions 2024


Forskning anslag - Wilhelm och Martina Lundgrens Vetenskapsfond 

Fond inbjuder ansökningar om medel för forskning, utbildning och välgörenhet. Dessa stöder vetenskaplig forskning och undervisning som verkar till förmån för sjuka, gamla och handikappade personer. Behöriga att söka är forskare, organisationer och unga studerande.

Closing date: March 15, 2024

More information 


J Gustaf Richerts stiftelse
Stipendier och anslag delas årligen ut för att främja forskning, undervisning och utbildning inom områdena miljövård, energi, samhällsbyggnad och transportteknik, bland annat med avseende på teknisk-ekonomisk analys inom nämnda områden.
J. Gust. Richert grundade 1897 Vattenbyggnadsbyrån som idag är en del av Sweco-koncernen.
Ansökan skall vara J Gustaf Richerts stiftelse tillhanda senast 2024-03-31.
Ansökan skickas in digitalt via Sweco's hemsida

Lisa och Johan Grönbergs Stiftelse
Lisa och Johan Grönbergs Stiftelse avser att dela ut ett antal anslag om max 150 000 kronor per anslag till
disputerade forskare. Årets ämne är ”Metabolism vid stress – kliniska studier”. Humanstudier skall ingå i ansökan.
Sista ansökningsdag 31 mars.
Ansökningstiden är öppen från den 1 mars t o m 31 mars klockan 23.59. Ansökan görs elektroniskt.
Information och anvisningar finns på

Sök utlandsstipendium från Hans Werthénfonden
Har du tänkt vidareutveckla dig utomlands, är cirka 25–35 år, har en akademisk examen lägst på masternivå men gärna doktorsexamen, företrädesvis inom områdena teknik/naturvetenskap eller ekonomi/juridik? 
Då kan du söka ett stipendium från Hans Werthénfonden vid Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA.
Gå in på och ansök redan idag. 
Ansökningsportalen är öppen till den 8 mars 2024.
Hans Werthénfonden ger varje år till ett antal högskoleutbildade yngre personer stipendier inom för näringslivet viktiga områden för cirka ett års vetenskapligt arbete på postdoc- eller doktorandnivå,
MBA- eller LL.M-studier i en kvalificerad internationell miljö.
Stipendiet är på 100 000–400 000 kronor.



Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 

STINT kan genom ett samarbete med Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) erbjuda stipendier för forskningsvistelser i Japan. 

JSPS Summer Program
Programmet erbjuder masterstudenter, doktorander och nyblivna doktorer för att under två sommarmånader få en möjlighet att bekanta sig med Japan och japansk forskning.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen

Sista ansökningsdag är 5 januari 2024 kl.15:00

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Short-term)

Programmet erbjuder doktorander som är i slutfasen av sin utbildning, liksom nyligen examinerade doktorer, stipendier för 1–12 månaders forskningsvistelse i Japan.

Mer information om programmet samt länk till ansökningsportalen

Sista ansökningsdag är 15 februari 2024 kl.15:00.

European calls


Research unit - European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE)

This supports collaborative research in paediatric endocrinology. The ESPE Research Unit is open to ESPE members who intend to support collaborative research among members. Grant applications must have a designated principal investigator and at least two co-investigators who are ESPE members. Non-ESPE members may participate as additional co-investigators. Applications that consist of applicants from at least three different countries are strongly encouraged.

Budget: One large grant will be awarded. The grant of maximum €100,000 is for a period of two years (maximum €50,000 per year).

Eligibility: Members of ESPE may apply. Each application must include at least one principal investigator and two co-investigators who are ESPE members. Non-ESPE members may participate as additional co-investigators. Applications that consist of investigators from at least three different countries are encouraged. The majority of the research should be performed at the investigators' centre.

Closing date: 11 March 2024



Clinician scientist fellowships - German Cancer Research Center | Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ

The DKFZ Clinician Scientist Program fosters innovative translational research by strengthening the research profile of clinician scientists. The program deepens the link between basic and clinical research, ensuring efficient transfer from bedside to bench and back. The German Cancer Research Center is offering fellowships to physicians who are at an early stage of their career, are currently performing their medical specialization training and who wish to gain basic and translational cancer research experience in a world-class scientific setting. Through the research groups in DKFZ’s Research Programs they provide access to cutting-edge research facilities and state-of-the-art labs.

Eligibility: International clinical candidates may apply who ▪ show enthusiasm for science and have a wish to link basic and clinical research have, ▪ obtained a higher degree (equivalent to MD or MD-PhD), ▪ are at an early stage of their career (physicians in specialized medical training, Germany: Facharztausbildung). Knowledge of the German language is not a prerequisite for the fellowship.

Closing date: The next call is expected to open in January 2024 with an expected deadline of 30 mar 2024. Consult the website for updated information.



Career development fellowship - European AIDS Clinical Society

The Career development fellowship allows young HIV physicians in training to develop their research and clinical careers through a mentorship from experienced physicians/scientists/researchers. The programme aims to link an HIV physician in training with an established European key opinion leader, over a period of 12 months, to facilitate mentorship and help career progression.

Eligibility: Eligible candidates must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a physician currently working in the field of HIV medicine or an allied specialty (Internal medicine/infectious diseases/genito-urinary medicine, clinical virology)
  • Be in a training post at the time of application, or have recently completed speciality training but be still in a fellow position or enrolled in a PhD programme;
  • Hold EACS membership;
  • Be eligible for a working visa in the country of the host institution.

The programme is open only to Europeans from the WHO Region. Pharmaceutical industry staff are not eligible for this programme.

Opening and closing date: Applications will open at the beginning of February and close at the end of March 2024.



Child Lung Health (Paediatrics) Long-Term Fellowships - European Respiratory Society

This programme is for MDs undergoing specialist clinical training in child lung health (respiratory diseases) who want to develop new research skills in this area, with a keen interest to pursue an academic paediatric career.

Fellowships are for basic or translational research projects. Applicants should be lung health paediatrician’s from a health care setting with an identified need/gap in paediatric respiratory medicine and research.

General eligibility criteria:

Academic qualifications

  • Candidates should be actively engaged in the respiratory field.
  • Applicants must be postgraduates holding a university degree in any field related to respiratory medicine (MD, MSc, PhD, MD-PhD, PhD-Student). Applicants should be graduated with an MD, MSc or equivalent at the time of application.
  • Postgraduate scientists such as immunologists, biologists, geneticists, pharmacologists, biophysicists, chemists, etc. involved in respiratory science, are entitled to apply for the ERS Long-Term Fellowships. At a minimum, applicants should hold an MD or MSc at the time of application.
  • Qualified healthcare professionals (non-MD) working in respiratory health/medicine (nurses, physiotherapists, respiratory function technologists, allied respiratory professionals, etc.) are entitled to apply for an ERS Long-Term Fellowship. At a minimum, applicants should hold an MSc or equivalent at the time of application.
  • Candidates should have adequate fluency in the language spoken at the host institute.

Age & Career: There is no age limit and applications from researchers having undertaken a career break (e.g. parental leave, period working outside research, unemployment etc.) are encouraged.

ERS membership: ERS membership is required when applying for an ERS Long-Term Research Fellowship.

Fellowship mobility: 

  • ERS fellowships promote research in Europe and internationally. All nationalities, European and non-European based candidates are allowed to submit a project proposal.
  • Applicants who, at the time of the deadline, have been in their host institution for more than 6 months are not eligible.
  • Applicants already at the host institution for less than 6 months and applying for the same host institution (extension, continuation) will be considered, if the fellowship is intended to support exchange of knowledge (mobility component).

Closing date: 2 April, 2024



Call for the 2024 Balzan Prize nominations 

2024 Balzan Prize nominations

along with instructions

2024 Balzan Prize instructions

For further information and to see the list of previous Balzan Prizewinners.

US calls


Federal Funding

NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Neuromodulatory Control of Circuits Underlying Mental Health Relevant Behaviors 

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-MH-24-100

Upcoming deadlines: This notice applies to due dates on or after February 5, 2024 and subsequent receipt dates through May 10, 2027.

Abstract: This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) solicits applications seeking to understand how neuromodulatory signals dynamically control and coordinate neural circuit responses in real-time during complex mental health relevant behaviors including cognitive, social, and affective functions. These studies are expected to utilize recent tools that enable precise assessment of spatiotemporal dynamics of extracellular release or receptor activation of neuromodulators with simultaneous causal interrogation of neural activity and behavioral responses. 

More info: NOT-MH-24-100: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Neuromodulatory Control of Circuits Underlying Mental Health Relevant Behaviors (


NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Fundamental Mechanisms and Functions of Co-transmission in the Brain

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-MH-24-105

Upcoming deadlines: This Notice applies to due dates on or after February 5, 2024 and subsequent receipt dates through February 4, 2027.

Abstract: This NOSI encourages research studies in animals that systematically characterize forms of co-transmission, identify neurobiological and environmental factors influencing co-transmission, and examine the functional consequences of co-transmission within circuits supporting complex behaviors. The study of co-transmission will further our understanding of the heterogeneity of neuronal cell types, their neuromodulatory actions, and reveal novel mechanisms that could be leveraged to fine-tune neural circuits. Understanding how therapeutic candidates influence co-transmitter release may provide novel insight into their mechanisms of action, off-target effects, and lead to the development of new treatment targets. 

More info: NOT-MH-24-105: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Fundamental Mechanisms and Functions of Co-transmission in the Brain (


NIH - Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Genomic Technology Development for Research and Clinical Application

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-HG-24-012

Upcoming deadlines: This notice applies to due dates on or after February 5, 2024 and subsequent receipt dates through January 10, 2027.

Abstract: The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) is issuing this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) to encourage applications focused on developing novel laboratory-focused tools and technologies that enable new lines of scientific inquiry and advance research or clinical applications in human genomics. NHGRI seeks applications for genomic technology development research that would, if successful, have an impact in a three to seven-year time frame to move the field of genomics beyond the likely next steps in technological advances. It is expected that applicants will develop scientific and practical definitions of optimal cost, quality, bio-materials quantity, scale, time to result and other important features enabling the significant genomics technology development proposed. Ultimately these technologies should have the capability to be used in a high-throughput, production setting to generate high-quality data. Priority will be given to applications that propose improvements of at least an order of magnitude (based on state of the art at the time the application is submitted). Such improvements may be achieved by focusing on one critical factor or a combination of important ones. 

More info: NOT-HG-24-012: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Genomic Technology Development for Research and Clinical Application (


NIH - Chemical Probes and Drugs for Modulating HIV Transcription in the Context of Substance Use Disorders (R01, R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) 

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-25-007 

Upcoming deadlines: August 13, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support research on (1) the development of novel tools, methods, and molecular probes to identify mechanisms and signaling pathways by which addictive substances influence HIV latency and transcriptional reactivation in the central nervous system (CNS), and (2) identification and functional validation of novel lead compounds that suppress HIV transcription in the context of addictive substances.

This NOFO requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP), which will be assessed as part of the scientific and technical peer review evaluation. 

More info: RFA-DA-25-007: Chemical Probes and Drugs for Modulating HIV Transcription in the Context of Substance Use Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) ( Chemical Probes and Drugs for Modulating HIV Transcription in the Context of Substance Use Disorders (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (


NIH - Development of Clinical Outcome Assessments as New FDA-Qualified Drug Development Tools to Accelerate Therapeutics Development for Opioid and Stimulant Use Disorders (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-25-028 

Upcoming deadlines: July 09, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support the development of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COA) for Substance Use Disorders (SUD). The COA development plan is expected to progress into the FDA drug development tool qualification program.

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) utilizes the UG3/UH3 Phased Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement grant mechanism that includes two phases. The applications responding to this NOFO should contain a COA development plan that will cover both UG3 and UH3 phases. In the first 2-year UG3 phase the project must have a set of operational milestones to be completed by the end of this period. Once NIDA program has evaluated the progress of the UG3 phase and determined that the UG3 phase has been successfully completed, it transitions to the UH3 phase to be funded for three additional years. The goal of this NOFO is to expand the armamentarium of COA that are FDA qualified as drug development tool (DDT) in the context of use (COI) of a SUD. Achieving this goal will greatly facilitate the development of treatments for SUDs.

More info: RFA-DA-25-028: Development of Clinical Outcome Assessments as New FDA-Qualified Drug Development Tools to Accelerate Therapeutics Development for Opioid and Stimulant Use Disorders (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) (



Williams Syndrome Association, US – Early Investigator Award

Upcoming deadlines: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Amount: This award provides $85,000 per year for a total request of up to $170,000.

Indirect costs up to 15% may be included, but the total request (direct + indirect) may not exceed $170,000.

Eligibility: Postdoctoral fellows and clinical/research faculty within 5 years of their first faculty appointment may apply.

Abstract: This program is designed to provide financial support for early investigators studying any and all aspects of Williams syndrome, including medical, behavioral, and social research. We are interested in research aimed at improving patient care, developing or testing new therapies, new understanding of Williams syndrome, or any other research aimed at improving the health and well-being across the lifespan of individuals with Williams syndrome.



Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), US – CURE Taking Flight Award

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 9th January, 2024; Full application –26th March, 2024

Amount: Requests may be made for up to $125,000 for eighteen months. Funding requests may include salary support for the Principal Investigator (PI), technical staff, supplies necessary to perform the work, animal costs, publication fees, and travel to an epilepsy-related conference if the PI is presenting his/her CURE Epilepsy-funded research. Funds are not to be used to purchase equipment. Indirect costs are not supported.

Eligibility: You must fall into one of the following categories to be eligible for the Taking Flight Award:

A postdoctoral fellow with a PhD, PsyD, PharmD, or equivalent and a minimum of two years postdoctoral experience at the time of submission; A clinical fellow who is a Neurology Resident in his/her Neurology training and considering Epilepsy Fellowships; Newly appointed faculty within one year of having completed postdoctoral training; Clinician-researchers who are within two years of their faculty appointment.

Abstract: CURE Epilepsy awards grants for novel research projects that address finding the cures for epilepsy and address the goal of “no seizures, no side-effects.”. The Taking Flight Award seeks to promote the careers of early-career investigators to allow them to develop an independent research focus.



Thrasher Research Fund, US – E.W. "Al" Thrasher Awards

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 18th January, 2024; Full application –26th April, 2024

Amount: $550,000USD. The grant amount is based on the actual budgetary needs of the project. The duration of the project can be up to three years. Indirect costs are no more than 7% of direct costs.

Eligibility: No restrictions.

Abstract: E.W. "Al" Thrasher Awards focus on projects that are changing pediatric clinical care. Each award is a novel approach to problems plaguing pediatrics. The award is open to applications focusing on any disease or topic within the umbrella of pediatrics, both in and outside the United States. Ideal applications for the Thrasher Award address significant health problems, offering the potential for practical solutions to these problems. Typically, the primary outcome is a health outcome in children. Solutions should be innovative and have the potential for broad applicability with low barriers to implementation. Projects with a shorter distance to clinical applicability are given priority.​ Hypothesis-driven research is critical, exploratory, or hypothesis-generating research will not be competitive.



Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance CARRA, US – various research grants

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 15h March

Amount: See link for individual program funding. Indirect costs are covered up to 8%.

Eligibility: The project PI must be a CARRA member in good standing (up to date on membership dues and membership information (location, contact information, and membership status) is current and accurate.

Abstract: CARRA is accepting applications for 4 new funding opportunities:

Mentored Career Development Award (MCDA) - This mentored award is intended to support an early career investigator (Fellow, Assistant Professor) who demonstrates a clear track record and commitment to developing an independent research career in pediatric rheumatology. Special consideration will be given to applications addressing the specific topics listed below, which were considered among patients, caregivers, and providers to be of critical importance: Precision medicine; Long-term health outcomes; and/or Treatment-related issues.

Health Equity Research Grant - This CARRA-Arthritis Foundation grant mechanism was established to support design (planning) activities for researchers to develop research projects that address topics along the health equity research spectrum.

Advancing Biospecimen Collection (ABC) Grant - The goal is to collect biosamples from patients enrolled in the CARRA Registry, to be used by CARRA investigators for future hypothesis-based research. This mechanism funds the collection of biosamples at CARRA Registry sites utilizing the CARRA Registry biosample consent form.

Large Grants – Large research grants for research on childhood arthritis and rheumatology. Special consideration will be given to applications addressing the specific topics listed below, which were considered among patients, caregivers, and providers to be of critical importance: Precision medicine; Long-term health outcomes; and/or Treatment-related issues.
