Published: 11-04-2024 12:41 | Updated: 11-04-2024 12:41

Current calls, week 15, 2024

Tips from KI Grants Office regarding current calls

Swedish and Nordic calls

Innovation for more individualised prevention in care and social care - VINNOVA and Forte 

Individualized prevention in healthcare from the European partnership Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) announces call for proposals supporting the implementation of innovative, individually adapted models for prevention in health and social care using existing digital technology and services. Engaging with end users and collaborating with businesses is encouraged. Swedish participation is made possible through a collaboration between Forte and Vinnova. 

Closing date for obligatory Intent to Apply submission - April 16, 2024  (14:00 CEST)

Closing date for proposal submission - May 14, 2024 (14:00 CEST)

Announcement of The Second Joint Transnational Call

International call: Healthcare of the Future 2024 (THCS) 

The precision medicine of the future 

Forskningsprojekt - Familjen Kamprads stiftelse

Medel  utlyses till området Medicin, med inriktning mot kunskapsbaserad, integrerad och jämlik vård. I utvecklingen av den goda och nära vården finns behov av forskning både i nära vård och om nära vård. Projektansökan kan inbegripa en av dessa inriktningar eller båda. Perspektiv att ta fasta på i ansökan kan vara integrering, jämlik vård, digitalisering, ledarskap, medarbetarinflytande, patientsäkerhet, person­centrering, professions­driven praktiknära forskning, resursomprioriteringar och/eller likande perspektiv som driver utvecklingen framåt. Stiftelsen kommer att prioritera projekt där samverkan sker mellan forskare och relevanta samhällsaktörer. Ansökan sker i två steg. 

Closing date: April 25, 2024 (stage 1).

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Residensprogrammet Eva De la Gardie - Svenska institutet i Paris och Franska Institutet i Stockholm 

Residensprogrammet inkluderar 1) gratis boende under november månad 2024 i en av Svenska institutets gästbostäder i Paris, 2) ett bidrag från Institut français de Suède för resekostnader mellan Sverige och Frankrike samt för viss dagsersättning. Beloppet uppgår till 15 000 kronor för hela perioden. Vistelsen riktar sig till forskare som har avlagt doktorsexamen, forskar vid en svensk institution, exempelvis universitet eller forskningsinstitut (obs, inget nationalitetskrav) och har eller önskar få projekt kopplat till Frankrike. 

Closing date: April 28, 2024

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Forskningsanslag - Hjärt-Lungfonden   

Fonden stöder forskning som har sin grund i kliniskt relevanta frågeställningar inom områdena hjärt-, kärl- och lungsjukdomar samt tuberkulos. Fonden välkomnar även ansökningar gällande samsjukligheten mellan hjärt-, kärl- eller tex diabetes och cancer där det tydligt framgår att forskningen avser hjärt-, kärl- eller lungsjukdom. Nuvarande stora anslagsomgång inkluderar: (1) Projektbidrag; (2) Nationellt samverkansprojekt; (3) Forskartjänster; (4) Postdoktortjänster; (5) Forskarmånader; (6) Återvändarbidrag; (7) Postdoktorsstipendium utomlands. 

Closing date: May 13, 2024

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Project grants in Endocrinology and Metabolism – Novo Nordisk Foundation

The Novo Nordisk Foundation calls for applications within basic and clinical research within the endocrine system and metabolism relating to cellular energy homeostasis. Special emphasis will be on research projects related to understanding the complexities and the regulation of hormones that are crucial to influence different aspects of women’s health, both at the molecular, cellular and physiological level. The objective is to promote Nordic research at the highest international level to carry out research projects of 1-3 years duration. The research activities applied for must take place at a university, hospital or other non-profit research institution in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden. Principal investigators are eligible to apply, i.e. experienced independent researchers who have already established their own research field and demonstrated the ability to conduct original research at a high international level, or researchers that are in the process of establishing themselves as independent researchers. 

Closing date: May 24, 2024.

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Stipendium - Catherine Everts Forskningsstiftelse

Stiftelsen har till ändamål att främja medicinsk vetenskaplig forskning och utveckling, främst rörande cancer. Exempel på cancerformer som prioriteras är hematologisk cancer i allmänhet, akuta leukemier i synnerhet. Även andra allvarliga cancerformer kan komma ifråga. Stiftelsen skall främja sådan medicinsk vetenskaplig forskning som är avsedd att underlätta framtagande av nya medicinska behandlingsmetoder, till främjande av människors hälsa. Sökande kan ansöka själva eller föreslås av andra till stiftelsen. Ansök genom att maila   

Closing date: May 31, 2024

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Resebidrag - Svensk Onkologisk Förening 

Resebidrag kan sökas av föreningens medlemmar för deltagande i internationella vetenskapliga möten. Stipendiesumman är på 15 000 kr. 

Closing date: May 31, 2024

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Postdoc studier – Afa Försäkring 

Afa Försäkring utlyser ett postdoc-stöd på 2,4 miljoner kronor för 2-års postdoc-studier inom arbetsmiljö. Stödet ger juniora forskare möjlighet att fördjupa sina kunskaper och knyta kontakter för den fortsatta forskarkarriären. Det är viktigt att forskningsresultaten kan komma till praktisk nytta för arbetare och tjänstemän i privat sektor. 

Closing date: June 10, 2024

Forskning - Afa Försäkring (


Research projects – MedTechLabs   

MedTechLabs announces a call for funding of research programs in the areas of (1) Precision health and (2) Data-driven healthcare research. The research should be focused on medical technologies with clear clinical applications designed to prevent and treat common diseases or deal with medical needs. MedTechLabs will fund one or two programs in the range of SEK 2–7 million per year and program, during four to five years. 

Closing date: June 11, 2024.

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Announcement of 2024 MWLC Seed Grants

The Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine (MWLC) announces the 2024 MWLC Seed Grants for KI researchers to fund and promote new research collaborations within stem cell differentiation, reprogramming and biomanufacturing toward translational application. The funding is meant to support completely new collaborative projects with an equal partnership and budget splits. Five proposals will be funded with a budget of 1 000 000 Swedish kronor per year for a maximum period of three years. 

Closing date: 28 May 2024

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Call for funding 2024 – Cooperation with Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin

A call for collaboration grants between KI and Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin will open mid-may. 

The call will be in line with the collaborative agreement signed in October 2023 to develop collaborative research and training in areas of mutual interest.

More information will be available on the next newsletter and on Collaboration in Germany | Karolinska Institutet (

For questions about the call can please contact Isabella Palomba Rydén,


Sök RSMHs forskningsstipendium år 2024 

Riksförbundet för Social och Mental Hälsa (RSMH) arbetar för att människor med psykisk ohälsa ska ges förutsättningar att komma tillbaka till ett gott liv. Varje år delar vi ut ett forskningsstipendium ur vår stipendiefond. I år är stipendiet på 100 000 kronor. Årets stipendiat offentliggörs i maj 2024.  

Enligt fondens regler kan stipendium sökas av en person som bedriver humanistiskt och socialt inriktad forskning som kan leda till ett bättre liv för människor med psykisk ohälsa. Forskning som sätter brukarens erfarenhet och kunskap i fokus ska särskilt uppmärksammas. 

RSMH ser stipendiet som en ”igångsättningshjälp” till forskare och doktorander/blivande doktorander som kanske ännu inte är etablerade och som presenterar en intressant idé. 

För frågor om stipendiet/ansökan kontakta Alain Topor, ordförande i RSMH:s FoU-utskott:
Telefon: 076-039 95 23 eller E-post:  

Läs om föregående års stipendiat här 

For questions about the call can please contact Isabella Palomba Rydén,

Skicka ansökan till:  

Ansökan ska vara RSMH tillhanda senast den 17 april 2024.  

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European calls


Infectious Disease Award: Understanding dengue and Zika spread, immunity and clinical outcomes - Wellcome Trust

This funding call will support multidisciplinary teams to generate evidence on where dengue and Zika viruses co-circulate and investigate the implications this has on host immune responses and clinical outcomes. Research funded through this award will support global efforts to understand and predict the spread of these pathogens, especially where data are limited. Funded projects will also help to design and implement future interventions to reduce dengue and Zika’s growing burden and impact on health.

Deadline: 25 Jun 2024  by 17:00 (BST) on the deadline day. 


Pivot-RP ID:  0feb5281-164c-4888-a24e-f2f1552f7976   


Improving understanding of disease mechanisms of PTEN Harmatoma Tumour Syndrome (PHTS) - PTEN Research

Grants awarded through this call are intended primarily for non-clinical research projects that aim to directly advance understanding of the disease mechanisms underlying PTEN hamartoma tumour syndrome (PHTS) and facilitate the development of new therapeutic options for PHTS. Specifically encouraged are proposals that not only have translational potential but also incorporate the use of recently generated PHTS patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that will be available through a US-based biorepository later in 2024.

 Through this call, PTEN Research seeks to identify academic research proposals that aim to progress the understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that are disrupted upon PTEN mutation/loss and that drive the pathobiology of PHTS. Within the broad spectrum of manifestations linked to PHTS, we are particularly interested in projects that are focused on the non-malignant aspects of PHTS, especially vascular anomalies and neurodevelopmental deficits, to align with the Foundation’s therapy development efforts. 

 The call is open to basic and translational research proposals, especially those that offer a translational pathway/potential future clinical impact. We are open to projects that employ cellular and animal models of PTEN mutation/loss, and although not a strict requirement, we specifically encourage projects that utilise the recently generated PHTS-patient derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), that have been developed by Boston Children’s Hospital, and were partly funded by the Foundation. These iPSC lines represent a diverse cohort derived from eight individual PHTS patients carrying different pathogenic or likely pathogenic PTEN variants. Isogenic CRISPR-engineered allelic series of these iPSCs are also available, encompassing PTEN wild-type and, for selected lines, PTEN homozygous for the given variant.

Deadline: 28 June 2024


Pivot-RP ID:  ee092563-48c5-4a29-b855-f2f1552f7976 


Advanced research grants in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Radala Foundation for ALS Research

The Radala Foundation invites applications for its advanced research grants in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). These support potentially ground-breaking, high-risk projects in basic research in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Research must be conducted in a public or private research organisation.

Deadline: 30 Jun 2024


Pivot-RP ID:  7f6412cf-fefd-48ac-b50f-d1d75de8f0f3


Global visiting professorship - Technical University of Munich | Technische Universität München

The Technical University of Munich, with support from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts. invites applications for its global visiting professorship. This enables a scientist or engineer to visit TUM to engage in a short-term research collaboration, provide complementary teaching or assist the preparation of funding proposals.

Scientists or engineers with an international reputation may be nominated by professors or junior fellows from the TUM.

Support covers funding for travel and local accommodation in Munich for between one week and three months.

 Deadline: 30 Jun 2024


Pivot-RP ID:  df1fb07e-49e9-404e-bfb9-d1d75de8f0f3


Scientific research grants - World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

These support scientific projects on anti-doping that involve the development or optimisation of analytical tools for the detection of doping substances or methods, growth of the athlete biological passport, the pharmacology of prohibited substances and of drug associations, and anti-doping testing programmes.

Deadline: 30 June 2024


Pivot-RP ID:  b79607dd-7a2f-4be0-b654-d1d75de8f0f3

US calls


Federal Funding


Adaptation of Diabetes Control Technologies for Older Adults with T1D (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DK-24-002

Upcoming deadlines: July 17, 2024

Abstract: The main objective of this NOFO is to foster development and testing of technologies adaptable to aging-related changes in older adults (aged 65 years or older) with T1D to improve diabetes management and quality of life. Older adults may have increased vulnerability to hypoglycemia, cognitive impairment and/or multiple co-morbidities which may affect the risks and benefits of these technologies in this population. Projects will be funded to a) develop and test new technologies and b) to adapt and test existing technologies. It is expected that aging-adaptive diabetes technologies that address barriers for use among older adults with T1D will improve usability, adoption and adherence decreasing the risk of hypoglycemia (and hypoglycemia unawareness) while enhancing glycemic control, facilitating better diabetes management, and improving quality of life for these individuals and their caregivers.

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CDMRP – Military Burn Research Program (BMFRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Idea Development Award; Investigator-Initiated Research Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act provides funding for the Bone Marrow Failure Research Program (BMFRP) to support innovative, high-impact bone marrow failure research. The BMFRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. The FY24 BMFRP funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms will be posted on the website. Applications submitted to the FY24 MBRP must address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Understanding the causes and progression of bone marrow failure (BMF) diseases; Finding effective BMF treatments and cures.

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CDMRP – Reconstructive Transplant Research Program (RTRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Advanced Technology Development Award; Idea Discovery Award; Investigator-Initiated Research Award; Qualitative Research Validation and Implementation Award

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act provides funding for the Reconstructive Transplant Research Program (RTRP) to support the advancement and standardization of clinical practice of vascularized composite allotransplantation. The RTRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. The FY24 RTRP funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms will be posted on the website. Applications submitted to the FY24 RTRP must address at least one of the following focus areas: Identify and/or validate reliable noninvasive prognostic or diagnostic biomarkers, methods, or tools for monitoring Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA) immunosuppression or rejection; Advance tissue preservation strategies; Improve or optimize vascularized composite allotransplantation (VCA) immunosuppression; Validation and implementation of resources (such as information materials, websites, clinical tools, etc.).

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CDMRP – Hearing Restoration Research Program (HRRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Focused Research Award (FRA)

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding for the HRRP to support research of exceptional scientific merit and innovation with high impact that focuses on hearing restoration. The HRRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. The FY24 HRRP funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms will be posted on the website. Applications submitted to the FY24 HRRP must address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Improvement and acceleration of the translation of biological regeneration/repair mechanisms into clinical applications; Development of diagnostic tests that differentiate sensory, neural, synaptic, and central processing disorders; Development of reliable in-vitro human models to facilitate the understanding, derivation, and characterization of human auditory cells, and/or to facilitate the evaluation of hearing restoration therapies.

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CDMRP – Vision Restoration Research Program (VRP) - Anticipated Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24)

Award Mechanisms: Mentored Clinical Research Award (MCRA) 

Abstract: The FY24 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding for the HRRP to support research of exceptional scientific merit and innovation with high impact that focuses on vision restoration. The VRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY24 funding opportunities. The FY24 VRP funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms will be posted on the website. Applications submitted to the FY24 VRP must address one or more of the following Focus Areas: Understanding and treatment of eye injury or visual dysfunction as related to military exposure; Diagnosis, stabilization, and treatment of eye injuries in austere environments and prolonged field care settings; Restoration of visual function after military exposure-related vision loss or severe visual impairment.

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Partnerships for the Development of Tools to Advance Therapeutic Discovery for Select Antibiotic-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-24-021

Upcoming deadlines: August 20, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support milestone-driven projects focused on developing and utilizing novel predictive models, assays, tools, and/or platforms based on penetration and efflux of small molecules to facilitate therapeutic discovery for select Gram-negative bacterial pathogens: carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE), and multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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International Rett Syndrome Foundation, US – Innovation awards 

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 15th May, 2024; Full application (by invitation) - 7th July, 2024

Amount: The Rett Syndrome Innovation Awards fund projects up to $300,000 total for two years (up to $150,000 per year).

Eligibility: US and non-US independent investigators with an appointment at an academic, government, non-profit research institution or biotechnology/pharmaceutical company;

have a history of independent publication record and a history of grant support in which the applicant is the principal investigator (PI).

Abstract: These awards seek to advance research aimed at investigating the underlying pathology of the disorder and identifying novel therapeutic approaches to treat and cure Rett syndrome. The program aims to (1) provide seed money for innovative research that leads to the identification of therapeutic targets or approaches to treat Rett syndrome, (2) assist investigators to establish careers in the field of Rett syndrome research, and (3) lead to follow-on funding from other agencies.



The Myositis Association, US – Mentored Research Fellowship

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 15th May, 2024; Full application (by invitation) – 30th June, 2024

Amount: Fellowship funding is available for $50,000 per year for 2 years. 

Eligibility: Candidates should have completed residency or fellowship training or have received a PhD within the three years prior to commencing the Fellowship and be performing research under the supervision of an established mentor. Application for a fellowship should be made through an accredited medical school, university, or research institute, which must agree to supply the clinical and/or laboratory facilities.

Abstract: This program supports early stage clinical or basic investigators that have demonstrated commitment to the field of myositis and who convey a clear path to research independence.



American Cancer Society (ACS), US – Research Scholar Grants

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 15th Oct, 2024

Amount: Research Scholar Grants are funded up to $200,000 per year (direct costs), plus 20% allowable indirect costs, with a project period up to four years. Equipment that equals or exceeds $5,000 with a useful life of more than one year, is not included in the direct cost total used to calculate indirect costs.

Eligibility: Independent investigators and clinician scientists in the first ten years of an independent research career or faculty appointment are eligible to apply. Applicants cannot have more than one R01/R01-like grant (>$100,000 per year direct costs for more than three years) as a principal investigator at the time of application. Some flexibility is given for extenuating circumstances.

Abstract: Research Scholar Grants (RSG) provide support for independent, self-directed researchers to conduct research. Applicants may pursue research questions across the cancer research continuum. These grants typically contribute to the cost of salaries, consumable supplies, and other miscellaneous items required in the research. Applicants must be independent, self-directed researchers or clinician scientists, and their institution must provide space and other resources customary for independent investigators. The application must convey the commitment of the institution to the applicant and the proposed research activities. The Society will only recognize one principal investigator, who is responsible and accountable for overseeing the project.
