Coordinated IT at Dentmed during the fall

The Swedish National Audit Office's reviews of, among other things, information security at Swedish higher education institutions have revealed major shortcomings. KI has therefore decided to raise the level of security in several areas. To achieve increased information security and better management and utilisation of resources, Coordinated IT will be implemented - the decision has been made by KI's University Director and the Consistory.
All staff members will switch to a newly installed computer that matches KI's coordinated installation (PC or Mac). A similar computer as you have today.
Before the computers are replaced (Coordinated IT) for all employees, a group of users will test that everything works. This will take some time, as any challenges need to be resolved before the computers are replaced. By the end of the year, the aim is for the majority to have changed computers.
The computer will include a new version of Windows (Windows 11) that will feel very much like the computer you had.
When will I know it is time for me to change my computer?
You will be contacted by IT staff from Dentmed or central IT.
Do I need to know anything when I get my new computer?
No, you will be given a guide. And the IT staff will be here to help you.
Will the computer look the same as before? Will I recognize myself?
Yes, but you'll need to customize it if you've made personal choices - such as favorites in browsers and setting the size of text in some programs. You can get help if you need it.
When can I get started with my new computer? How long will it take?
If you follow the guide, you should be up and running in a few hours.
Where do I go if I have problems?
Contact Self Service ( or by phone at 0852482222, which in turn will place the case where it belongs. ITA - central IT - will help with overall standard questions. What is unique to us at the department, such as journal and X-ray programs, local IT (Dentmed IT) will help with.
I have various accessories for my computer today, wireless keyboard, webcam, headphones and wireless mouse. Can I keep them?
Yes, you can keep them and they will work with your new computer too.
Will this affect the desktop computers in the clinics?
We are evaluating a technology that exists at e.g. Malmö University and Folktandvården. You will need to log in, and then it will be as before. Before we make any changes to the desktop computers, proper tests are done and we communicate about it.
Can I keep my old computer?
No, it will be sold to a supplier who will make sure it is reused.port is available.