Collaboration and career pathways in focus during the NVS PhD retreat

The first NVS doctoral student retreat took place this Monday at Ljunglöfska slottet. More than 30 PhD students participated, with the purpose to improve the interaction between the PhD students at the department´s divisions.
The retreat was organized by NVS´s Doctoral Student Council, with support from the department.
During the morning sessions the Doctoral Student Council was presented, and PhD students from NVS´s divisions held short presentations on ongoing research projects, this in a “TED talk” format.
The program for the afternoon included a work shop on the theme “Equal treatment and equality issues”, a lecture on a peer group model, and a panel discussion with researchers and alumni from NVS on the theme “Different career pathways inside and outside academia”.
“We perceived that we achieved our goals of increasing relations between the divisions, our awareness on issues of equal treatment, working in peer groups, and making plans for our future career pathways”, says Anna Marseglia, Chairman of the NVS Doctoral Student Council.
“We hope that the PhD students have become more aware of our function and our desire to be their active voice in the department and at KI. We really hope to be able to host the retreat again in the future”, says Anna Marseglia.