Co-workers and success were celebrated at NVS's summer lunch

On June 15, the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS) had a summer lunch. Over 200 co-workers attended at Koppartälten in Hagaparken to celebrate the past six month’s successes and newly appointed professors, associate professors and lecturers.
Maria Eriksdotter, Head of NVS, gave a speech in which she thanked and praised all co-workers at NVS for their great commitment and very well executed work at the department.
Professor Ann Langius-Eklöf, Head of the Division of Nursing, gave a presentation on the topic “Nursing at KI – ranked top 5 in the world. How did we get there and what do we do now?”
Elisabet Åkesson, Senior lecturer at the Division of Neurodegeneration, gave a presentation on the theme "From Neural Culture to NeuroRehab".
Gerd Faxén-Irving, researcher at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics and recently appointed an Associate professor, was congratulated.