Published: 17-12-2014 15:44 | Updated: 17-12-2014 17:47
CfGM implements sex and gender aspects in medical curriculum

The KI Centre or Gender Medicine (CfGM) was invited to host two mornings in November for the students in the second semester of the Medical curriculum in Karolinska Huddinge.
The CfGM took this opportunity to implement an innovative pedagogical approach based in lectures from different fields — all adding different perspectives on sex and gender in medicine — and mixing it with short exercises on cases presented on multimedia.
The two mornings counted with lectures from prestigious guests like: Dr. Ian Banks, president of the European Men’s Health Forum and Kathryn Myronuk, faculty member on Singularity University and the centre’s very own team: Dr. Karolina Kublickiene, Head of the CfGM, Josefin Särnholm, psychologist affiliated with CfGM, Fernanda Torre, facilitator and the founder and president of the board of the centre, Dr. Karin Schenck-Gustafsson.