Lectures and seminars Why Vegan Nutrition is Ideal for Human Health?

17-12-2024 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
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KI Lifestyle4Health network seminar

Speakers: Elizabeth Dean and Constantina Lomi 

About the speakers

Dr. Elizabeth Dean is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physical Therapy at The University of British Columbia in Canada. Her work focuses on bridging the ultimate knowledge translation gap between what is known about the nutrition-related causes of and factors contributing to the leading killers and disablers of human beings, namely, heart disease, cancer, hypertension and stroke, obesity, diabetes, and dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and health care practice. Although whole-food, low-fat, plant-based nutrition has been shown to dramatically reduce the risk of these non-communicable diseases and, in many instances, reverse them, she works with health professional groups and the public to identify and overcome barriers to its implementation in the interest of the health of individuals, families, the planet, and animal welfare.

Constantina Lomi is a certified specialist in cardiovascular physiotherapy at Karolinska University Hospital. She has worked as a clinician in different cultural contexts and with different patient groups for more than four decades. She has been Physiotherapy lecturer at Gothenburg College of Health and Caring Sciences, the program leader for the physical therapy program at Akmi Metropolitan College, Athens, teacher at the physiotherapy program, European University Cyprus and pedagogical developer at the Centre for Clinical Education (CKU-KI), Stockholm. She holds a Licentiate degree of Medical Science (Faculty of Medicine, Lund University) two degrees in pedagogics (a University Diploma in Nursing Education, Uppsala University, and a Degree of Master of Medical Science with a major in Medical Education, Karolinska Institutet) as well as a Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy with a major in History of Ideas, Stockholm University (Bachelor thesis:” The ideas behind the national care protocol for unhealthy lifestyle habits”. 

Seminar description

This seminar addresses ‘Why Vegan Nutrition is Optimal for Human Health’. Based on a recently-published integrative review, several lines of evidence support unequivocally that human beings are ‘vegan-by-design’. We present these lines of evidence which reveal an unsupported ‘carnist’ bias in current food guides, that is, ‘the belief that consuming animal-sourced foods in natural, normal and necessary’ for human health.  When, in fact, the more whole-food, low-fat, and plant-based their diets, the healthier people are; the more they digress, the sicker they are. Given how pervasive, acceptable, and largely unexamined that consuming animal-sourced foods has become globally, we examine barriers to adopting vegan nutrition and the degree to which the public and health authorities are willing to translate this knowledge to practice in the interest of public health. Today, consuming animals and their products is a choice for most people, not a necessity.

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KI Lifestyle4Health network

Contributing to KI’s third mission and Agenda 2030, the KI Lifestyle4Health network is a forum and a platform that gathers all interested researchers and professionals working around lifestyle factors that contribute to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. We aim to promote collaboration and spread knowledge to the general public about ongoing work in this field. Read more about KI Lifestyle4Health network and join us!
