Conferences and symposiums Welcome to the launch of EuroJEM

We are pleased to invite you to the official launch of EuroJEM, a new infrastructure for occupational exposure matrices in Europe created within the EU Horizon 2020 project EPHOR. The event will be held online via Zoom and will provide an overview of EuroJEM's features, available job-exposure-matrices (JEMs), and examples of its use in epidemiological research.
Introduction to EuroJEM and its website, overall content and how to apply
Presentation of individual JEMs within EuroJEM
- Physical workload
- Chemicals and Particles
- Noise
- UV Radiation
- Precarious Employment
- Psychosocial demands
- Respiratory Infections
Example of using EuroJEM in epidemiological research
We look forward to sharing this exciting launch with you and hope you can join us!
Please feel free to share this information with relevant colleagues and stakeholders.
Warm welcome!
The EPHOR project
In the EPHOR project we will lay the groundwork for evidence-based and cost-effective prevention for improving health at work, by developing a working life exposome toolbox. This exceptional consortium consists of 19 exposure, health, and data technology scientists and technology partners from 12 different countries. Together we will advance occupational health science in a unique way to reduce the burden of disease.