Conferences and symposiums StratNeuro - NeurotechEU seminar: The Science of Sleep

08-04-2025 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Hybrid Venue: Nils Ringertz room, Biomedicum Online: Connect to the event
Photo: StratNeuro

Join us for an exciting seminar with Anna Sigríður Islind (Reykjavík University) and Martin Dresler (Donders Institute)

Martin Dresler (Donders Institute)
Martin Dresler (Donders Institute)

"The neuroscience of lucid dreaming" with Martin Dresler.

Martin Dresler is head of the Donders Sleep & Memory Lab, and Associate Professor at Radboud University Medical Center. He received training in Biological Psychology, Philosophy and Mathematics at Bochum University, did his PhD at Marburg University and the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, and performed postdoctoral research in Oxford and Stanford. The research of his group centers on the cognitive neuroscience of sleep.


Anna Sigridur Islind
Anna Sigridur Islind Photo: Reykjavik University

"The Future of Sleep: Insights from Developing a Large-Scale Digital Sleep Data Infrastructure" with Anna Sigríður Islind

Anna Sigridur Islind is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Reykjavik University in Iceland. She holds a Ph.D. in informatics from Sweden and is an expert in human-centric digital health and data-driven decision-making in healthcare. She is the director of the Center for Information Systems and Data Science Research (CISDAS) at Reykjavík University and the program director for the M.Sc. in Digital Health. She has authored and published well over 100 peer-reviewed papers to date and is leading the digital innovation in the Sleep Revolution project, a 15 million Euros Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Union with a largescale consortium of 39 partner institutions across Europe


*This Seminar will be followed by a Career Session for PhD students and Postdocs


Register to the seminar here

Register to the Webinar here