Other Stockholm Trio - UCL research workshop

08-04-2025 to
09-04-2025 Add to iCal

University College London (UCL) and Stockholm Trio welcome you to a collaborative workshop in London.

The workshop will be held in person 8 April, in London, from 09:30 . It will conclude after lunch the following day. It will consist of concurrent sessions focussing on two or more of the following topics, as well as information and presentation sessions for the whole group.

The Cities Partnerships Programme Stockholm which comprises of UCL and the Stockholm Trio of Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Stockholm University.

The focus topics will include:

Space: This topic could be fruitful for colleagues in engineering, technology, medical and behavioural sciences, as well as in social sciences including anthropology, and the arts and humanities. Colleagues can come together to focus on sustainability, ageing, anxiety, space flight health and stress, or another area in which the Stockholm Trio and UCL have strengths.

Planetary Health & Food Security: This topic might be of interest to colleagues in health sciences, social, natural and physical sciences. Topics can include those of urgent and far-out need (e.g. preparedness). 

Young People & Mental Health: This topic could be tackled by population health people, colleagues across the health sciences, those interested in the built environment, technology or the stories we tell about the life course etc.  Focus points can include intergenerational inequality, jobs, and AI, education. 

Cities in Crisis: Numerous considerations are required in our increasingly aging and urbanized societies. This topic can focus on medical need e.g. pandemic preparedness, communicative disease, healthcare access, medtech and digital health; environmental need e.g. consumption, environmental policy, emissions, global climate change, as well as other potential focus areas including overcrowding, infrastructure, emissions, transportation solutions, big data.

The Stockholm Trio and UCL are home to specialists of world renown: this initiative seeks to bring them together in new work for the benefit of humanity.

More information on agenda will be published closer to the event.

Please note! KI researchers are welcome to submit interest of participation by November 26 at: https://form.jotform.com/242663143556357


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Lotta Lundqvist

International Coordinator


Lotta Lundqvist International Coordinator