Lectures and seminars Stockholm Public Health Lecture: Climate change and global child and adolescent health: what can be done?

31-03-2025 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Add to iCal
Campus Solna Nobel Forum, Nobels väg 1, Stockholm
A group of students together holding up a miniature globe.
Photo: Getty Images

Welcome to the upcoming seminar in the Stockholm Public Health Lecture series. The topic is how climate change impacts children’s and adolescents’ health and wellbeing, and the challenges and opportunities from a global research perspective.


Dr. Zulfiqar Bhutta, a world-renowned expert and physician in the field of global maternal and child health research and public policy. He is the Founding Director of the Institute of Global Health & Development across the Aga Khan University campuses in South-Central Asia and East Africa, and Co-Director of SickKids’ Centre for Global Child Health, Toronto, Canada. He holds the Distinguished Fellowship in Climate Change, Food Systems and Child Nutrition, at the Lawson Centre at the University of Toronto. He leads large research teams in Pakistan and many other regions in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with the goal of reducing child mortality rates globally and informing innovative solutions to maternal and child health challenges. 

He has been recognized globally for his work with some of the highest awards such as the Roux Prize (2021), Canada Gairdner Global Health Award (2022), the Friesen Prize in International Health Research (2023) and the The Rosén von Rosenstein Award (2024). He was recently awarded Canada’s highest civil award as an officer of the Order of Canada. 

Dr. Bhutta’s presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with invited guests. More information and a full program will follow.

Moderators: Tobias Alfvén, Professor in Global Child Health and Anna Mia Ekström, Professor in Global Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet.

About Stockholm Public Health Lectures

Stockholm Public Health Lectures is organised by the Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with Center for Epidemiology and Community Medicine Region Stockholm. The lecture series focuses on key topics in the area of public health, as well as issues that concern the planning and commissioning of healthcare. The lectures are
held in English free to attend and targeted to a broad audience.