Lectures and seminars Seminar with Academic Pride: Transgender rights, demographics and access to care in Sweden from 1972 until today

31-07-2024 11:00 am - 11:45 am Add to iCal
Other Stockholm Pride House Clarion Hotel Sign at Norra Bantorget

How has the situation for transgender people in Sweden changed, or stayed the same, in the last 50 years? Come and hear what we’ve learned from current research and discuss how to use this knowledge in promoting transgender rights.

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At this seminar you'll get an overview on demographics of transgender people receiving gender-affirming care in Sweden – number of people, age, and earnings -- from the 1970s until today. We focus especially on geographic differences in access to care and the impact of ending the sterilization requirement in 2013.

The seminar will be in English and start with a presentation and will be followed by discussion and questions from the audience.

Academic Pride is a cooperation between institutions of higher learning and student organisations in the Stockholm region, with the purpose to highlight the importance of LGBTQIA+ issues in higher education – both in education, research and in the work and study environment.


Ylva Moberg and Lucas Tilley, leading experts on the demography of LGBTQ populations in the Nordic countries. They are part of GAINS, an interdisciplinary research group at Stockholm University.

The seminar will be held in English and moderated by Roh Petas, Gender equality, diversity and equal conditions strategist at KTH.

The seminar is a part of KI's and Academic Pride's activities during Stockholm Pride. Location and date will be updated on this page.

About Academic Pride

Academic Pride is a network between several of Stockholm's higher education institutions and associated student unions. This year, in addition to KI, KTH, Stockholm University, Södertörn University and Stockholm School of Economics are also participating. The aim is to make visible the importance of LGBTQI+ issues at the universities, both in terms of research and teaching and in terms of inclusive work and study environments.

Join KI and Academic Pride in Stockholm's Pride Parade, August 3, 2024

How to work in an LGBTQI-inclusive way

KI works to prevent discrimination and harassment of LGBTQI persons and others through the equal opportunity efforts, which focuses on an inclusive work and study environment through the entire scope of the Discrimination Act.

Here are three tips for working in an LGBTQI-inclusive way:

  • Increase your knowledge of what LGBTQI people face in their everyday life - there are several online training courses and research on LGBTQI issues.
  • Use language that is inclusive of LGBTQI people, ask open-ended questions, and promote openness.
  • Reflect on the norms that influence you and the assumptions you make about gender and sexuality.  
