Lectures and seminars Research seminar research group MINT

10-03-2022 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Online Zoom

Welcome to a research seminar arranged by the MINT team, HIC/LIME.

Join via Zoom

Use Zoom link to attend.

Meeting ID: 619 5897 9913

Passcode: 288285

Dear All,
Finally we have decided the dates for our seminars this first part of 2022!
You are all very welcome!

The dates are:

10th March 14.30-16.00

13th April 14.30-16.00

18th May 14.30-16.00

There will probably also be a date in June, more information on this later.

  1. The first seminar on the 10th of March will be about “absences” in the field of Medical Education. Please read and prepare comments/questions/ideas about what you see as “the absence” in the field of medical education in general and also in the areas where you yourself are active!

Paton, M., Kuper, A., Paradis, E., Feilchenfeld, Z., & Whitehead, C. R. (2021).
Tackling the void: the importance of addressing absences in the field of health professions education research.
Advances in Health Sciences Education, 26(1), 5-18.


Klas Karlgren Principal Researcher