Conferences and symposiums Nobel Mini Symposium in the series Frontiers in Medicine, 24 May

24-05-2024 Add to iCal
Other Nobel Forum, Stockholm, Sweden

Nobel Mini-Symposium no 60:
“Somatic mutations in aging and age-associated disease”

24 May 2024 at 9:00-17:15
Boat trip, including dinner on the boat: 24 May, 17:30-22:00 (Fully booked)

Speakers dinner at Grand Hotel Veranda in Stockholm at 18:00 on 23 May.

Last date for registrations:

Closed for registration.

The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institutet has provided funding to arrange this Nobel Minisymposium in 2024 in the series “Frontiers in Medicine”. In 1994 a series of Minisymposia called "Frontiers in Medicine" was started; for previously completed Minisymposia see

Minisymposia are held in the Nobel Forum, last one day and are open to free participation. They deal with current topics that bridge preclinical and clinical subject areas.


9:00-9:10 Welcome note - Maria Eriksson and Irene Franco

9:10-9:40 “Somatic mutations and aging: causes and consequences”
Jan Vijg, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, US & Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China

9:40-10:10 “Title pending”
Michael Stratton, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK

10:10-10:25 “Effect of genetic alterations on gene regulation”
Martin Enge, Karolinska Institutet

10:45-11:15 “Somatic mutation and selection in ageing tissues”
Inigo Martincorena, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK

11:15-11:30 “Clonal propagation of somatic mutations in the vascular wall”
Maria Eriksson, Karolinska Institutet

11:30-11:55 “Successful decade of LOY and other examples of mosaicism in normal tissues preconditioning for cancer”
Jan Dumanski, Uppsala University

11:55-12:10 “Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (mLOY) – why men live shorter lives?”
Lars Forsberg, Uppsala University

13:20-13:50 “One brain, many genomes: somatic mutation in human brain across the lifespan”
Christopher A. Walsh, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, US

13:50-14:20 “Unraveling genetic and epigenetic dynamics in early human development and aging”
Young Seok Ju, KAIST, Korea

14:20-14:45 “The interaction between germline and somatic mtDNA mutations in ageing”
Nils-Göran Larsson, Karolinska Institutet

15:15-15:45 “Distribution and redistribution of mutation risk across chromosomes in cancer”
Fran Supek, IRB Barcelona, Spain and University of Copenhagen, Denmark

15:45-16:00 “Somatic mutagenesis in precancer kidney”
Irene Franco, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy

16:10-16:40 “Tracking mutational footprints in the genomes of single cells to study the cause of cancer”
Ruben van Boxtel, Princess maxima center, Oncode Institute, Netherlands

16:40-17:05 “Improving oxidative DNA repair to battle ageing”
Thomas Helleday, Karolinska Institutet

17:05-17:15 Closing remarks – Maria Eriksson and Irene Franco

17:30 Bus departs from Nobel Forum. 
Boat trip with dinner onboard in the Stockholm archipelago. The boat trip will take 4 hours. 


Maria Eriksson Professor