Lectures and seminars MEB seminar: Professor Sisse Njor and Assistant Professor Susanne Fogh Jørgensen
Title: Benefits and harms in cancer screening
We will present ongoing and published studies that evaluate the benefits and harm of cancer screening (including cervical, breast and colorectal cancer screening) across multiple levels within the national screening programs in Denmark. The overall goal of all studies is to increase our understanding of how cancer screening programs can be optimized to maximize benefits while minimizing potential harms for individuals as well as for the society.
Professor Sisse Njor
Sisse Njor is head of the Research Unit for Screening and Epidemiology at Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Vejle. Sisse Njor holds a Master of Science in Statistics and Computer Science and a PhD in epidemiology. Her research focus is on how to maximise the citizens' benefits of cancer screening and minimise the harm. Her research career started in 2001 where she focused on the benefits and harm of mammography screening. Since then her research focus has expanded to benefits and harms of colorectal cancer screening and cervical cancer screening. Her research is mainly quantitative and concentrates on how to use healthcare data from registers and international collaborations to improve cancer screening programmes.
Assistant Professor Susanne Fogh Jørgensen
Susanne Fogh Jørgensen is an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, specializing in public health and cancer screening. She earned her Ph.D. in cancer screening from Aarhus University in 2021 and has been actively involved in cancer screening research since 2018, contributing to the understanding of follow-up programs after abnormal screening results. Since 2023, Susanne has been part of the Research Unit for Screening and Epidemiology, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology at Lillebaelt Hospital, where she focuses primarily on register-based research projects in cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer screening.