Lectures and seminars Lifestyle4Health seminar, The HAPPY-trial: effect of a digital course for healthy eating habits

16-03-2023 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Online Online via Zoom, please find link below
A healthy plate with veggies and fruits
Photo: Getty images.

KI Lifestyle4Health network seminar #19 - speaker: Linnea Sjöblom

Seminar description

Smartphone applications provide patients with an easily accessible tool for delivery of information as well as self-monitoring of for example diet. During the seminar PhD-student Linnea Sjöblom will present her work on the HAPPY-trial, a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of a digital course for healthy eating habits in patients with type 2 diabetes. Linnea will be joint by a representative from Cambio, that will present the digital solution used. 

About the speaker

Linnea Sjöblom is a PhD student at the Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet. She has a Masters degree in nutritional science. Her research focuses on epidemiological studies on associations between dietary patterns and diet quality and the incidence of cardiovascular disease and anthropometric risk factors, and to evaluate the effect of a dietary mHealth (mobile health) intervention on dietary habits and serum lipid levels among patients with type 2 diabetes.

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Meeting ID: 647 3650 6518
Passcode: 5030

KI Lifestyle4Health network

Contributing to KI’s third mission and Agenda 2030, the KI Lifestyle4Health network is a forum and a platform that gathers all interested researchers and professionals working around lifestyle factors that contribute to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. We aim to promote collaboration and spread knowledge to the general public about ongoing work in this field. Read more about KI Lifestyle4Health network and join us!


Jhon Álvarez Ahlgren Administrative Officer