Lectures and seminars Lifestyle4Health seminar: Precision prevention of type 2 diabetes

21-06-2023 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Campus Solna Biomedicum C0333 (10), alt online via Zoom, please find link below
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KI Lifestyle4Health network seminar #21 - speaker: Diego Yacaman Mendez

Seminar description

Precision medicine aims to improve health by using data on individual's biological, environmental, and social characteristics to target prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. While applications of precision medicine are increasing, its use for disease prevention or public health is still rare. 

Type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized by a complex clinical picture with several risk factors, which represents a challenge for disease prevention. In a recent report, the WHO highlighted the need to better understand the pathophysiological heterogeneity of type 2 diabetes to improve surveillance and management. However, prediabetes-a term used to define individuals with higher glucose levels than normal but still below the diagnostic threshold for diabetes- remains one of the most widely used methods to identify individuals at high risk of type 2 diabetes. Risk stratification using a single factor ignores the complex mechanisms leading to type 2 diabetes.  

During the seminar, PhD student Diego Yacaman will present the preliminary results of his work exploring the utility of a data-driven approach for precision prevention of type 2 diabetes, and how it compared to prediabetes. 

About the speaker

Diego Yacaman Mendez is a doctoral student at the Department of Global Public Health at KI and the Center for Epidemiology and Community Medicine at Region Stockholm. His research interests include epidemiology and prevention of non-communicable diseases, social epidemiology, and epidemiological methods. 

He holds a medical degree from the National University of Mexico and a master’s degree in public health and epidemiology from KI.  

In addition to his research, he works as a medical doctor at the Center for Obesity in the Academic Specialist Center of Region Stockholm.  

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Passcode: 7327

KI Lifestyle4Health network

Contributing to KI’s third mission and Agenda 2030, the KI Lifestyle4Health network is a forum and a platform that gathers all interested researchers and professionals working around lifestyle factors that contribute to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. We aim to promote collaboration and spread knowledge to the general public about ongoing work in this field. Read more about KI Lifestyle4Health network and join us!


Jhon Álvarez Ahlgren Administrative Officer