Lectures and seminars Lifestyle4Health: Co-fam

28-11-2024 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Hybrid Venue: Hybrid – Biomedicum room B1011 and Zoom Online: Connect to the event

Co-fam: co-design and evaluate a novel model for family support linking school and primary health care to promote healthy lifestyle and prevent and manage overweight and obesity in children.

KI Lifestyle4Health network seminar

Seminar description

This hybrid seminar focuses on the project Co-fam, aiming to co-design and evaluate a novel model for family support linking school and primary health care to promote healthy lifestyle and prevent and manage overweight and obesity among children 6-12 years. Two evidence-based family support programs, the universal Healthy School Start (HSS) and the targeted More and Less (ML) will be combined and delivered in a municipality with a high level of childhood obesity. The project will be carried out in two phases. In phase 1, the research team together with school and primary health care personnel and parents will co-design the model based on the implementation framework EPIS (Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment). Both programs will be then adapted to children 6-12 years. Phase 2 consists of an 18-month controlled hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation study using mixed methods.

About the speakers

Liselotte Schäfer Elinder is an Adjunct professor in Public Health Sciences at the Department of Global Public Health and leader of the research group Community Nutrition and Physical Activity. Her research interests are related to healthy and sustainable dietary habits, physical activity and their upstream determinants, as well as implementation and evaluation of interventions to prevent obesity and chronic diseases.

Ida Karlsson is a registered nurse, with a master’s in Public Health and Epidemiology and a PhD in Medical science. Her research interest is Public health with a focus on intervention and implementation research. 



Meeting ID: 676 9451 0721 


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KI Lifestyle4Health network

Contributing to KI’s third mission and Agenda 2030, the KI Lifestyle4Health network is a forum and a platform that gathers all interested researchers and professionals working around lifestyle factors that contribute to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. We aim to promote collaboration and spread knowledge to the general public about ongoing work in this field. Read more about KI Lifestyle4Health network and join us!
