Other Learn Bayes: Introduction to Bayes

14-02-2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Campus Solna Petrén, Wargentinhuset, Nobels väg 12B

Mattias Villani is a Professor of Statistics at Stockholm University, whose work focuses on developing models and computational methods for Bayesian prediction and decision making.

Decorative picture.
Illustration: Simon Steiger.

In this full-day workshop, Mattias will introduce Bayesian modeling techniques to solve regression, prediction, and classification problems. He will also talk about sampling methods and help us get started with Stan, a powerful probabilistic programming language.


Lunch break 12:00-13:00. Coffee will be provided in the morning and afternoon.


Anyone is welcome and no formal registration is needed, but we ask that you fill out this form to help us gauge the interest.

This is a workshop within the Learn Bayes spring program 2025.