Conferences and symposiums KI Sustainability Day 2025
All staff and students are welcome to participate in KI’s Sustainability Day with lectures, inspiration, and the awarding of KI’s Sustainability Prize 2025.

Planetary boundaries + health
The theme for this year's Sustainability Day is planetary boundaries and the connection to our vision for health. Among the participants are rhetorician Maria Wolrath Söderberg, Carl Johan Sundberg, professor and dean of KI North, and Anne Charlotte Bunge from Stockholm Resilience Centre.
The day will be conducted in English.
New this year is that the best student poster will be awarded!
Contributions to the poster exhibition are welcome! Please contact if you would like to present a poster.
Karin Dahlman-Wright, Chair of the Council for Environment and Sustainable Development
Lilia Daianova and Maya Petrén, KI's Environmental Coordinators
Anne Charlotte Bunge, PhD-student, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Carl Johan Sundberg, Dean KI North
Nina Viberg and Faith Hungwe, Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health (CESH)
Shervin Shahnavaz, vice-chair of the Council for Environment and Sustainable development
Caisa Laurell, Lecturer in the Medical Program, Resident Physician, and Doctoral Student
Lunch will be served to registered participants.
Karin Dahlman-Wright, Chair of the Council for Environment and Sustainable Development, will present this year's sustainability award and the award for the best student poster.
- KI:s life cycle management service for computers - Stefan Kaptens, IT-department
- Sustainable Choices: How Daily Routines Shape Our Environmental Impact - Afsar Rahbar, Dep of Medicine Solna
- Sustainability in the lab in 5 min - Towe Jakobsson, lab coordinator, Clintec
We are on the edge of several planetary boundaries. This threatens our living space and our health. How can we within academia and the health sector accelerate the necessary transition?
Maria Wolrath Söderberg, rhetorician from Södertörns högskola, her research is about how people reason about the climate.
Emma Swärdh, member of the council for environment and sustainable development at KI and assistant senior lecturer att NVS.
Shervin Shahnavaz, council for environment and sustainable development
The day is organized by the Council for Environment and Sustainable Development through a planning group concisting of Shervin Shahnavaz, Emma Swärdh, Nikolaus Mezger, Lilia Daianova och Maya Petrén.