Lectures and seminars KI-QUAL workshop on mixed methods

12-02-2025 10:00 am - 11:30 am Add to iCal
Hybrid Venue: Solnavägen 1e, 6th floor/Online

The KI-QUAL network is pleased to invite you to our next workshop focusing on mixed methods.

The workshop will consist of a presentation by Associate Professor Mariano Salazar at the Department of Global Public Health, followed by your chance to ask questions and discuss the topic.

The workshop takes place on Wednesday 12th February at Solnavägen 1e, 6th floor, Torsplan, and online. Mingle and fika from 10am. The presentation starts at 10:15am and will last for up to 45 minutes followed by Q&A and the opportunity to exchange experiences and skills.  

The workshop is open to researchers at KI and free of charge but the number of seats is limited. Secure your place by registering your attendance no later than 11th February. Those who want to attend online need to register too. Details about access and zoom link will be provided on 11th February to those who have registered.


The Karolinska Interdisciplinary Network for Qualitative Researchers (KI-QUAL) is an interdisciplinary and cross-departmental network with the goal to connect and facilitate collaboration among qualitative researchers at Karolinska Institutet. 

Contact: ki-qual@ki.se