Lectures and seminars KI-Psychology: popular science lectures

01-12-2022 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Add to iCal
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna Biomedicum, Solnavägen 9, Eva and Georg Klein Auditorium

During the autumn and spring, the Division of Psychology (Department of Clinical Neuroscience) at Karolinska Institutet will present current psychological research to an interested public and perhaps to colleagues who want an easily digestible summary of the research situation in different areas. Topics will be sleep, intelligence, emotions, disease perception, taste, eating disorders, smell, pain, treatment of anxiety and depression, and much more.

Title: Cognitive-behavioral therapy in diarrhea, pain and palpitations

Lecturer: Professor Brjánn Ljótsson

There are chronic diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia and atrial fibrillation, that produce troublesome bodily symptoms. Daily suffering from e.g. diarrhea, constipation, pain, fatigue, or palpitations can be difficult, frightening and sometimes shameful. Many people with these diseases try to reduce their symptoms by eating better, resting, trying to stress less. avoiding physical activity or using other strategies to avoid your symptoms. Unfortunately, these strategies often lead to increased focus on symptoms and to everyday life being negatively affected. Professor Brjánn Ljótsson will present research on how cognitive behavioural therapy treatment can break behavioural patterns that worsen symptoms and reduce the quality of life in these diseases.


N.B the lecture will be held in Swedish.