Internal meeting KI Japan Faculty meeting
Welcome to KI Japan Faculty's first meeting
KI scientists and staff interested in Japan and collaboration with Japaneses partners are most welcome to join the KI Japan Faculty meeting.
The programme will include presentations by former Ambassador to Japan, Stefan Norén, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan Agency for Science and Technology (JST) and others.
Preliminary programme:
15.00- 15.05 Welcome - Per Nilsson, Academic Coordinator for Japan
15.05 – 15.10 Embassy of Japan - TBC
15.10-15.20 Sweden – Japan relations – Stefan Norén, former Ambassador to Japan
15.20-15.40 – Japan’s association to Horizon Europe & different funding possibilities with Japan – Malin Petersen, Programme Manager, Asia, Vinnova
15.45-16.00 AMED - (TBC)
15.00-16.10 Information about current calls - JST Paris Office
16.10-16.20 Information about fellowship programmes - JSPS Stockholm Office
16.20-17.00 Coffee and mingel
Please sign up for the meeting here:
Please sign up before the 22nd of March.
Contact: Per Nilsson, Academic Coordinator for Japan
Lotta Lundqvist, International Coordinator