Lectures and seminars Junior Faculty Equity Focus Group Seminar Series - Adeeb Naasan

07-11-2022 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Add to iCal

Welcome to the Junior Faculty Equity Focus Group Seminar Series at the Karolinska Institutet. We are pleased to be joined by Adeeb Naasan from the Scottish Government, who is a public health clinician with UK’s National Health Service and has studied racial and gender inequities in Swedish academia.

Adeeb Naasan
Photo: N/A

Race, Gender & The Swedish Research Council: How does your race and gender affect your chances of a successful application?

Sweden prides itself on being one of the most progressive and gender-equal countries in the world. When it comes to academia - do our values of meritocracy really play out in our research grant application process?
Come along to explore how race and gender impact probability of a successful application and join the discussion on where we go from here.


Alexandra Wennberg Postdoctoral Researcher