Internal courses and training Introduction to Biomedicum February 3

Facility Management invites everyone working in Biomedicum to an introduction seminar. The seminar will introduce you to the services that are provided, and how to work safe in Biomedicum. The seminar is given in English.
At the end of the seminar there will be a quiz with chance to win prices.
Welcome and information about Biomedicum,
Johanna Steen, Head of unit
Services in Biomedicum,
FM staff
Common facilities Biomedicum,
Ingrid Delin, coordinator
Environment and Sustainability,
Jennie Eldh Bastman, coordinator
FIKA - meet the FM staff
Evacuation, Fire protection, In case of emergency,
Jennie Eldh Bastman, Coordinator
Laboratory safety and hazardous waste,
Johanna Steen, Head of unit
Work environment and human resources,
Rebecka Jakobsson, HR Manager
Quiz and Closing remarks,
Johanna Steen, head of unit
Please register for the seminar at so we know how much fika to order.