Lectures and seminars HI Conversations - To Use or Not to Use: App Engagement in mHealth Intervention

24-02-2022 12:00 pm Add to iCal
Online Always on Zoom
Two persons talking

Welcome to Health Informatics Conversations with Leo Kowalski.

Join the seminar

Use Zoom-link to join, no registration needed.

During Spring 2022 we will use the same Zoom-link for all of our HI Conversations.


Leo Kowalski, Research assistant, Health Informatics, Health Informatics Centre (HIC), LIME, KI


"To Use or Not to Use: App Engagement in mHealth Intervention"

User engagement is an important part of developing effective digital interventions. However, motivating users to sufficiently engage with an intervention is a complex design problem with many aspects to consider.  

This presentation will describe preliminary results from a study in which health-care workers used a mobile application developed to mitigate the negative effects of work-related stress. The primary research findings presented are focused on user engagement data, looking at how participants experienced the application and what factors promoted adherence to the intervention protocol.  

What are the Health Informatics Conversations?

HI Conversations - a seminar series about Health Informatics

The conversations are about research-oriented health informatics topics, i.e. – presenting a published article, your research area, a relevant theory or a method etc.  

The Health Informatics Conversations will be recurring the last Thursday (except for June and December) every month at 12.00 via Zoom and last for one hour. This hour includes 20 minutes of presentation and leaves the rest of the time for discussions, all in English.

If you are a PhD-student – this is a credit-bearing activity, as long as the topic is relevant for your research.