Lectures and seminars Hemostasis & Thrombosis Lecture: Linda Schönborn on Immunothrombosis

02-05-2024 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna

Speaker: Dr. Linda Schönborn (Greifswald, Germany)
Title: Immunothrombosis after Vaccination and Infection
Type: Hybrid
Location: NKS D-huset plan 11, rum Björnen (D11-54)

Portrait Linda Schönborn
Portrait Linda Schönborn Photo: N/A

Dr. Linda Schönborn (Greifswald, Germany) is visiting us for this edition of the Hemostasis & Thrombosis Lecture Series. She is a medical resident in Transfusion Medicine. Since 2021, her research on vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) has quickly established her in the field, with multiple publications in New England Journal of Medicine and Blood. We are happy to welcome her in Stockholm! 


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