Lectures and seminars Extending Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) to Imaging. Scanning-Free Confocal Microscopy for Quantitative Analysis of Fast Molecular Processes in Live Cells Using mpFCS/FLIM

27-03-2025 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Add to iCal
Hybrid Venue: J3:06 Ulf von Euler Online: Connect to the event

This is part of the “Hot-topics in multimodal imaging” seminar series hosted by the Division of Imaging Core Facilities at the department of Clinical Neuroscience.

Title: Extending Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) to Imaging. Scanning-Free Confocal Microscopy for Quantitative Analysis of Fast Molecular Processes in Live Cells Using mpFCS/FLIM

Speaker: Dr. Vladana Vukojević is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Karolinska Institutet (CNS) and a Visiting Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Belgrade. Her interdisciplinary research combines biophysical chemistry, optics/photonics, cell biology, and molecular medicine. She develops advanced fluorescence microscopy and correlation spectroscopy techniques to study reaction-diffusion processes in live cells and analyze kinetic mechanisms underlying biological functions such as gene expression and signal transduction. Theoretically, she constructs mathematical models and applies dynamical systems theory to understand how cells regulate biochemical processes and how these mechanisms are disrupted in diseases. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers and developed the doctoral course Functional Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging (fFMI) in Biomedical Research at KI. She is also an invited lecturer at Hokkaido Summer Institute and a partner of Hokkaido University.

Hosted by Andrea Varrone from Division of Imaging Core Facilities, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, KI.

Hot-topics in multimodal imaging" is a seminar series hosted by the Division of Imaging Core Facilities with a focus on multimodal imaging, which will cover the latest research in the fields Neurology, Psychiatry and Cognitive Neuroscience and will give our audience an overview of the state-of-the-art instruments, computational and AI assisted data analysis being applied in the field by top international researchers.
See our seminar calendar here and join us on Zoom. Welcome!