Dissertations Doctoral thesis defence: Jil Protzmann

04-10-2024 9:30 am Add to iCal
Campus Solna Lecture hall Petrén, Wargentinhuset, Solna Campus, Karolinska Institutet and online

Welcome to Jil Protzmann doctoral thesis defence: "Shedding light on the blood-brain barrier in ischemic stroke", 4 October in lecture hall Petrén, Wargentinhuset, Solna Campus, Karolinska Institutet.


Jil Protzmann, Department of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, Karolinska Institutet


"Shedding light on the blood-brain barrier in ischemic stroke


Linda Fredriksson, Department of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, Karolinska Institutet


Prof. Ulf Eriksson, Department of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry, Karolinska Institutet


Prof. Catherine Hall from the University of Sussex, School of Psychology

Examination Board

Dr. Maarja Andaloussie Mäe, Uppsala University

Dr. Vladimer Darsalia, Karolinska Institutet and Södersjukhuset 

Prof. Per Uhlén, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet 


Jil Protzmann Phd Student