Lectures and seminars Center for Alzheimer Research: Virtual morning coffee with Giulia Lorenzon

23-04-2025 9:00 am Add to iCal
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Please join the Center for Alzheimer Research for a virtual morning coffee meeting!

Hans holding a cup of coffee
Photo: Istockphoto

The Center for Alzheimer Research organize virtual seminars on Wednesdays at 9 am, with approximately 15-minute presentations of an ongoing project from a researcher within the center. Welcome!

April 23 at 09.00
Hosted by Sex and Gender differences in dementia work group:

Giulia Lorenzon, Division of Clinical Geriatrics  

"The relationship between lifelong oestrogen exposure and cerebrovascular health"


Please join us on Zoom:


Morning coffee facts:

  • Morning coffees are short seminars to meet NVS colleagues and learn more about their ongoing research and projects.
  • Meetings happen Wednesdays at 9.00.
  • Morning coffe meetings started to overcome social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Morning coffees are organised by the Center for Alzheimer Research (CAR).