Lectures and seminars CBB educational seminar: "Research design and confounders in Bioinformatics" with Carsten Daub

17-05-2024 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm Add to iCal
Campus Flemingsberg Neo, Gene and https://ki-se.zoom.us/j/64761779217?pwd=K1ArL1dxT2dlWDRsRWhUZVcyclcvZz09 (Passcode 854399)

Centre for bioinformatics and biostatistics presents an educational seminar in bioinformatics.

Before the seminar, a limited number of sandwiches and drinks will be served on a “First come – first served” basis starting 12:00. Show up early and network!

The seminar is held in English.


Experiment design is an essential component of a research plan and a work plan. We will present and discuss the essential components of experiment design such as technical and biological variation, replicates, outgroups, and more.


Carsten Daub Principal Researcher