Lectures and seminars Career session with INCF - Life After a PhD – What's Next?

Join us for an exciting career workshop together with INCF.
This workshop series organised by INCF, NeurotechEU, and StratNeuro will explore alternative careers outside of academia in which neuroscience skills, big data analysis as well as other skills, would be advantageous. The panelists will provide perspectives from individuals who have enjoyed diverse careers, including founding a software company, working for the government examining patent applications, marketing research with a neural twist, working in a non-profit coordinating data and research efforts, and working in funding agencies. The panelists will share how they got there and advise attendees on how to follow in their footsteps.
During the first workshop in the series, neuroscientists who have transitioned from academia to government, funding sector, non-profit sector, and industry will share their career journies and provide participants with input in how they can follow in their footsteps.
- Pontus Holm, PhD
Head of Program Office Life Science
Region Stockholm
- Malin Sandström, PhD
Senior Research Officer
- Meike Diepenbroek, PhD
Team Manager, Science Business Development Lead
- Mathew Abrams, PhD, MPH
Director of Science and Training
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility