Published: 22-08-2023 16:11 | Updated: 09-10-2023 09:32

Biomusicum, Biomedicum’s own health choir, invites new members to join

A zoomed in paper with music notes

Biomedicum’s own choir, Biomusicum, now welcomes new members. The choir is open for all staff and students at Biomedicum and both beginners and experienced singers are welcome. No previous experience required. If you have always wondered about singing in a choir, but have never taken the step, then this is your opportunity!

We mostly sing popular and jazz songs, mainly in English and some in Swedish. Since 2018 Biomusicum have performed in Biomedicum on several occasions such as Lucia. The choir is under guidance of experienced choir leader Malin Strömdahl-Sherman.


Rehearsals are on Mondays 11:20-12:20 in English, open rehearsals the coming Mondays (28 Aug and 4 Sep), where you are welcome to come and listen and find out if you would like to try singing.

Time and place

Mondays 11:20-12:20

Biomedicum D1012, 10th floor


If you are interested, please contact
