Published: 12-03-2024 10:50 | Updated: 19-03-2024 17:12

BIGS Neuroscience Summer School at University of Bonn

The BIGS Neuroscience Summer School provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to key neuroscience topics for first- to second-year PhD students in June 2024.

The summer school consists of lectures on topics such as Developmental and Cellular Neurobiology, Diseases of the Nervous System, Imaging and Optogenetics, Circuits and Behavior, Computational Neuroscience, Human Cognition and Psychology. To offer hands-on experience in these research topics, the lectures are complemented by visits to research laboratories of the Bonn Neuroscience community.

Dates: June 10-19, 2024

Dead line application: April 8, 2024 

If accepted to the program there is a possibillity to apply for travel grants. Contact Mia Bjerke.
