Published: 19-12-2023 14:20 | Updated: 19-12-2023 14:51

Apply for seed funding within the field of oral health for collaboration with National Dental Centre Singapore

The internationalisation board is pleased to announce the availability of limited competitive funds for grant applications to strengthen collaborative interactions within oral health and innovations.

The funds are to be used as “seed grants” aiming at starting or sustaining bilateral collaborations with Singapore within the field of oral health innovations and biotechnologies, in order to address emerging issues in global health. The funding can be used to facilitate writing of joint applications to major granting agencies or be used for joint training of research staff and students.

Examples of areas of oral health studies include population health, precision health, digital dentistry, health tech innovation, and tissue bioengineering.

In the proposal the applicant shall indicate with a short description which partner/s and research PI/s will be collaborating. The main collaborative partner in Singapore must have an employment at The National Dental Centre Singapore (NDCS)/ The National Dental Research Institute Singapore (NDRIS) or have an affiliation with The National Dental Centre Singapore (NDCS)/ The National Dental Research Institute Singapore (NDRIS) but researchers from other institutions in Singapore could also be involved.

The maximal amount awarded will be 125.000 SEK per proposal to the KI applicant, which may be used to support the proposed period of project work costs.

A local selection process is conducted in Singapore for groups that seek matching institutional seed funds in Singapore.

Assessment of applications

The applications will be evaluated by an evaluating committee. The Internationalisation Board will thereafter decide which applications will be funded.

All applications are assessed on the basis of the following criteria

  • scientific quality and potential of the proposed project
  • project feasibility and synergy
  • prospect for long-term collaborative research, education, and innovation within oral health

Scientific quality and potential of the proposed project

  • Is the project original, innovative and challenging of current opinions or praxis?
  • Does it include an innovative hypothesis, or does it seek to resolve important obstacles for continued progresses within the research area?
  • Does the project involve new ideas, therapies or interpretations?
  • If the project aims are achieved, will that significantly enrich knowledge in the particular research field and knowledge of health, disease and healthcare?
  • Does the project have clinical relevance, and would the likely results be clinically implementable in the future?

Project feasibility

  • Is there sufficient methodological know-how to implement the project in the manner described?
  • Are there other experiences that in combination with the applicant´s various competencies strengthen the projects feasibility?
  • Are materials, methods and collaborations well-chosen and adjusted for the hypothesis or problem area in question?
  • What are the strengths and weakness of the chosen approach?
  • Is the project ethically sound?
  • Are the financial resources realistic in relation to the scope of the collaboration/grant application?
  • Are the collaboration partners clearly indicated?

Prospect for long-term collaborative research, education or innovation within the global goal of oral health

  • Is the research plan consistent with the expertise, research focus and infrastructure of all collaborating parties?
  • Is the collaboration or collaborative idea credible?
  • Is there a demonstrated clear and believable division of tasks and activities between the collaborating labs?
  • Do factors exist that could emphasize the coherence of the proposed project, such as prior collaborative efforts as evidenced by common publications and/or grants?
  • Does the application make clear that the achievement of the project goals is dependent on the participation and interaction of complementary skills and knowledge from both sides?

Assessment scale

5 points = outstanding

4 points = excellent

3 points = very good

2 points = good

1 point = insufficient

Application process and deadline

The deadline for grant proposals is Wednesday January 31, 2024 Submit the proposal via e-mail to Johanna Ackemar

Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered. 

NB! Applications from individuals who have been granted funding in previous calls for seed funding for KI/NDCS projects will not be eligible to apply for funding in this call. 

The application should be sent in as a single word or PDF file, be no more than 5 pages in total. It should consist of a research plan, budget plan, key references, and CV of the applicants (CV max 1 page each).

Please mark the application with reg no 2-5137/2023.          

Decision will be communicated in February 2024 and grants can be used from March 2024.

Written feedback to applicants

There will be no written feedback to the applicants. All applicants will receive an e-mail with a decision if they are granted funding or not.

More information

For more information about the submission process, contact Johanna Ackemar.

