Apply for funding for activities that promote internationalisation at home
The Internationalisation Board has set aside SEK 200,000 for activities or projects that promote internationalisation at home for education at the undergraduate and advanced level.

Internationalisation at Home (IaH)
Internationalisation at home is described as “the purposeful integration of international and intercultural dimensions into the formal and informal curriculum for all students within domestic learning environments” (Beelen & Jones, 2015). The concept strives to incorporate international and intercultural perspectives into the educational experience of every student.
The application
The application (max. one A4) which must contain the name of the responsible person, department and study programme (can be several) that takes part in the project, as well as project description and budget, must be sent to internaitonal coordinator Emma Hägg no later than 7 June 2024.
The maximum amount a project can be awarded is 50,000 SEK. Projects that have been granted funding in previous calls from the Internationalisation Board for activities promoting internationalization at home are not eligible to apply again. Funding will not be granted for one-time efforts.
The proposals will be assessed based on the following:
- How will the project lead to new or increased internationalisation at home?
- Is the project plan clear and realistic?
A distribution of funds between departments and study programmes is desirable and will be considered in the allocation of funds. Initiatives that are part of regular teaching are encouraged, as well as initiatives aimed at sustainable digital collaborations. Decisions on allocation will be made by the Internationalisation Board. Allocated funds must be requested by December 1, 2024, and the activity must be completed by July 1, 2025.
Projects awarded funding must be reported by October 1, 2025. The report can be, for example, a short written report, a film, or a website. We also want a brief financial report.