Published: 30-04-2024 09:50 | Updated: 30-04-2024 09:53

Apply for collaborative grants for cooperation with Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Karolinska Institutet (KI) and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Charité) have entered into a bilateral agreement. The Internationalisation Board at KI is pleased to announce the availability of limited competitive funds for KI faculty and staff for grant applications to strengthen collaborative interactions within research and education.

About the call

The funds are to be used primarily, but not limited to any of the following key areas: Cancer, Precision Medicine, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Global Health. 

Funds are to be used to initiate and sustain collaborations within research and education. The grant may include support for transportation and accommodation at the host site for the proposed period of interaction. It is also possible to apply for funds for short term exchange/fellowship or to facilitate writing of a larger grant proposals. 

The maximal amount awarded will be 50 000 kr per proposal to the KI applicant, which may be used to support the proposed period of project work costs. 

The application

Proposal format: Combine the following documents in a single pdf e-mail attachment (max 5 pages in total). 

  • Application identifying the proponent (and affiliation), host (and affiliation), a brief description of the proposed activity, budget plan
  • 1-page endorsement letter from the proposed host          
  • 1-page endorsement letter from the supervisor at KI
  • CV of the KI applicant (max 1 page)

Deadline is 10 June 2024. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Submit your proposal, marked with Dnr 2-1579/2024, via email to Isabella Palomba Rydén.


Awards will be announced earliest September. No written feedback will be given to applicants. All applicants will receive an e-mail with a decision if they are granted funding or not. The awarded projects should be initiated no later than 01.12.2024 and completed by 30.6.2025 at the latest. 


The selection of the candidates will be based on the scientific quality, feasibility and prospect for long-term collaboration of the proposal. Applications from junior researchers are particularly welcomed. The applications will be evaluated by an evaluating committee. The International Board will thereafter decide which applications will be funded. 

Charité is announcing collaborative grants for collaboration with KI and KS. Funding may not be awarded by both universities for the same project. 

Profile image

Isabella Palomba Rydén

International Coordinator
