Published: 02-02-2017 15:38 | Updated: 07-08-2017 17:00
Anders Kottorp new dean for the Faculty of Health and Society at Malmö University

Starting from the fall of 2017, Anders Kottorp senior lecturer and researcher within the field of Occupational Therapy at NVS, will start a new job as professor and dean for the Faculty of Health and Society at Malmö University.
“The academic, strategic leadership gives me energy, especially in a Swedish context”, says Kottorp.
At the moment, Kottorp works at NVS and the University of Illinois in Chicago. From a KI perspective, not much will change in connection with his new position for Anders Kottorp, his colleagues and students.
- I will continue as a supervisor for PhD students at NVS and after the end of the year I hope to be able to stay as an affiliated researcher at NVS and KI.