"A significant lab for the entire KI"

The new WIRM BSL2 (Biosafety Level 2) flow cytometry laboratory at HERM, which uniquely combines high-technology and biosafety for sorting cells, was inaugurated on November 17.
- It is the first exemple of this kind of advanced cell-sorting platform in the Nordic countries, says a proud Iyadh Douagi, responsible for the new lab situated at HERM, Novum.
In the so-called cell sorter we can isolate single cells with high precision following for example gene manipulation.
- Through gene manipulation, we can either turn off or overexpress genes to study their function. This is important to understand the role of a specific gene in diseases such as cancer, Iyadh explains.
He adds that the lab has an enhanced level of biosafety, and that the people who use the cell sorter get trained to work safely.
WIRM (The Wallenberg Institute for Regenerative Medicine), Karolinska University Hospital and the Department of Medicine, Huddinge with HERM, ICMC, CIM and the Unit of Endocrinology, have all contributed to the funding of the new cell sorter.
- It is indeed a joint project. The new lab is important for the department and also for the entire KI, says Iyadh.
If you want to use the WIRM BSL2 lab, please contact iyadh.douagi@ki.se