Published: 13-05-2024 09:07 | Updated: 13-05-2024 09:07

7 May 2024: Update to staff at BioNut and MedH

This is a summary of the digital information meeting that prof Maria Eriksdotter, head of the project steering group, together with the departmental head of MedH and the Director of Doctoral studies at MedH held on 7 May addressing all staff at BioNut and MedH.

Maria Eriksdotter started the meeting by giving an update on the progress of the integration project and ongoing activities. 

On 1 July BioNut will be established as a seventh unit at MedH and Janne Johansson who is currently the head of the department BioNut will be head of the unit. 

A final written report about the integration project will be sent to the KI President by end of June. 

The project is going well, and most systems are running smoothly after the transfer of most administrative systems from BioNut into MedH. A few users have experienced some problems with ordering in Wisum. These should now have been taken care of.

The task force for HR is currently working with all delegations and the task force group for communication is working on a plan to integrate the webpages for the two departments. 

The new department

Petter Höglund, head of department at MedH gave an update on the risk analysis and upcoming activities at the department. He noted that the end date for the project is being approached with anticipation. He also highlighted all the work that is done by everyone involved in the project and thanked everyone. 

The risk analysis has been followed up and discussions of opportunities for the new MedH are ongoing. Initially BioNut will become one unit at MedH. From 1 January 2025 however, the department will have a new, slightly different organisation. No major changes will be made, and more information will be presented before any changes are made. 

MedH 2030

MedH is currently operating according to the MedH 2025 strategy. A new strategy for the department will be developed, looking ahead to 2030. The new, modified, strategy will be presented in the middle of 2025. The work process with creating the new strategy will probably be similar to when the strategy for 2025 was created and include people from all parts of the department. The purpose of the strategy is to help MedH grow and develop. 

There will probably be some emphasis on physical meetings in the new strategy, as these have proven important during the integration process. More information about the new strategy and the work to create it will come later. 

Migration of the doctoral education

Mattias Svensson, the Director of Doctoral Studies at MedH, gave an update from the Doctoral education group of the project. 

The migration of the doctoral education support systems will soon be implemented. Until 12 May preparations will be done in LADOK and from 13 May until 17 May the migration in LADOK will take place. The group will have time to wrap up until 15 June. When the transfer in LADOK is complete the ISPs will be migrated. The group is trying to solve as much as possible centrally and keep the involvement of supervisors and students to a minimum.  

A question was raised whether the supervisors and students will have to be involved in the transfer of the ISP. The group cannot say for sure yet but are trying to minimise the involvement of supervisors and students. The ISPs will not have to be re-written. 

Mattias also informed that doctoral education courses at BioNut have now been transferred to MedH. 

Possible consequences for the doctoral students

The Doctoral education group have been discussing what consequences the integration may have for the doctoral students. It is mainly the BioNut students who will be affected. They might feel a bit more distant from the administration after the integration since they will now be students at a unit within a department. However, many things will probably be very much the same as before. 

Expanded support function for doctoral students

The support function for the doctoral education at MedH will expand to meet an increased number of doctoral students. There was previously about 120 doctoral students at MedH and after the integration there will be about 160 doctoral students. The organisation for the doctoral education will be evaluated along the way to make sure that there are enough resources available to support the students.  

Since the move of the MedH administration some students have come closer to the administration, and for some students the administration is now located further away from them. All students are to get access to the administration in Neo. Please contact Mattias Svensson or the administrators if you have any questions. 

A welcome activity for the BioNut students was arranged in mid-April. The students were invited to meet with the Director of doctoral studies at MedH and received information about how the doctoral education is to be organised at MedH. 

The second MedH/BioNut AW

Lastly, Maria Eriksdotter reminded everyone about the upcoming After Work. All staff at MedH and BioNut are welcome to Kristallen at Södra Teatern on 17 May. You can join us from 5 pm to enjoy food, drinks and great company. Please see the invitation that you have received by email for more information. 


Upcoming meetings

Everyone at BioNut and MedH is invited to regular information meetings in Zoom during the course of the project (see the calendar or Outlook). There will be time to ask questions and hear more about what steps are being taken to integrate BioNut with MedH. 

The next meeting is scheduled for 28 May with a presentation of the outcome from the risk analysis ”Risk and consequence assessment focusing on work environment and to prevent ill health”, and an update from the task force group for education.

On 18 June there will be a final meeting for closure of the integration project.