Published: 28-03-2024 12:03 | Updated: 03-04-2024 16:23

26 March 2024: Update to staff at BioNut and MedH

This is a summary of the information meeting that Maria Eriksdotter, head of the Integration project and the former Dean of KI South, held together with Petter Höglund, the departmental head of MedH, and Agneta Wallin Levinovitz, project manager, on 26 March on Zoom addressing all staff at BioNut and MedH.

Physical move of the administration

From 8 April the MedH administration will be located on level 8 in Neo. The BioNut administration is already in place. There is some reconstruction work to be done which will be finished by 5 April, except for a glass wall that will be put up later. The cost for the reconstruction is covered by central KI funds “omställningskostnader”.

After the information meeting the moving date has been postponed due to delays in the reconstruction work. The MedH administration will be located in Neo from 10 April. 

Update from the strategic task force group for research

Petter Höglund presented the progress of the group which has now entered an active phase and is performing an inventory of risks, with the help of a survey which has been sent out to all staff at BioNut and MedH to collect suggestions and thoughts about risks with the integration. It is important that as all risks are identified for the following risk analyses to be optimal.

The group will have two internal workshops, on 8 and 22 April, to go through and analyse the risks and make sure they are handled adequately. They will also evaluate whether some risks have to be brought up to the university management for a potential allocation of resources to address the risks.  

Transfer of course plans for HT24

Agneta Wallin Levinovitz gave a brief update on the task force groups for education and doctoral education. The education group has prepared for the transfer of course plans for HT24 from BioNut to MedH. The respective educational committee (Utbildningsnämnd) at the departments has made a decision to delegate to the chairman (GUA) to make the necessary decisions about both the closure at BioNut and establishment at MedH of each course. All courses to be held in the autumn have now been transferred from BioNut to MedH. 

The planning of the new educational organisation at MedH is ongoing. The structure of the Utbildningsnämnden at MedH will be revised according to program responsibility and new delegations for the changed educational mission at MedH will be developed.

Stop of changes of the ISP

The postgraduate courses from BioNut starting HT24 have been defined and announced from MedH. Also, BioNut has set a stop date for changes of the ISP. During the period 14 April to June, PhD students and supervisors will not have direct access to ISP via the system. If needed, they can turn to the director of studies or the ISP support for help. 

ISPs need to be re-established  by MedH in the regular flow but based on the already established ISPs by BioNut. The doctoral students' admission (Ladok) at BioNut must be moved in connection with the establishment of the ISPs at MedH. The Education support office will assist with this.

On April 16, both directors of studies will have a meeting with BioNut's doctoral students.

Follow-up on consequence and risk assessment (RKB)

The employer must always carry out a consequence or risk assessment before a reorganisation is implemented. A workshop was held at the end of last year, where risks were identified. These have been documented in writing and classified according to seriousness.

The employer is identifying and carrying out measures for handling the risks and a follow-up meeting will be held on 14 May with the employer and safety representatives.

Temporary limited access to UBW and Primula/the PA-web

A reminder that Staff at BioNut:

  • should not report personnel cases in Primula/the PA-web (e.g. holiday applications and travel expenses) between 10 March and 1 April. Please contact your local HR if you need assistance during this period. 
  • should not enter any new financial cases in UBW (e.g. orders and invoices) between 22 March and 4 April. However, existing and old cases can still be processed. 

This only concerns staff at BioNut. Read more about how the integration of BioNut with MedH affects Primula and UBW.

Key dates

Key dates for the integration project
1 AprilUpdates in Primula go live: BioNut staff will be shown as organised under MedH in systems like Primula, IDAC and the staff portal // Primula/the PA-web reopens for reporting personnel cases from BioNut.
4 AprilClosing of BioNut’s and MedH’s economic accounts, including separate financial statements for Q1.
5-7 AprilMedH:s admin team moves to Neo floor 8.
14 AprilManual transfer of all economic data from BioNut to MedH.
16 AprilInformation meeting, attended by the President and the University Director.
7 MayInformation meeting on Zoom, update from task force groups for education and research education.
17 May (tentative date)After Work.
1 JulyBioNut fully integrated in MedH as a unit.

Questions and answers

Q: How to handle invoices that are sent to BioNut, with the “old” project code? 

A: Right now, it is okay to use the BioNut project code. From the beginning of April the new code, starting with H7, is to be used instead. 

Next meeting

16 April on Zoom - This meeting will be attended by the President and the University Director. 

If you would like to post questions to the KI management, please send questions by email to Maria Eriksdotter ( or Agneta Wallin Levinovitz ( latest by 9 April.

Maria Eriksdotter ended the meeting by wishing all staff at MedH and BioNut a Happy Easter!