200th jubilee celebrations in Asia
To mark KI's 200th jubilee, a series of activities was arranged in mid-October in Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo.

On 12-13 October, there were student activities in Singapore with speakers from KI, the first day at the National University of Singapore (NUS), the second at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Students from some of the universities with which KI collaborates demonstrated their research, and KI professors Martin Ingvar and Arne Ljungqvist held popular science lectures.
KI Alumni arranged a networking session with Peking University Health Science Center, and some thirty alumni joined. KI also gave talks in the Swedish pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
15 October saw the opening of "Karolinska Institutet 200 years: Celebration of Knowledge and Health", a photo exhibition at the Swedish Embassy in Tokyo. A scientific seminar was also arranged with RIKEN to coincide with the exhibition. The following day, KI and Nature Asia Pacific jointly arranged a "Nature café" at the embassy with scientific lectures and panel discussions.
The Tokyo programme, which also included visits to the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Tokyo and to the Institute for Advanced Medical Bioscience at Tokyo Womens Medical University/Waseda University (TWIns), was coordinated by the embassys Science and Technology Office Growth Analysis and Invest Sweden.
Text: Amina Manzoor